Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Components common API

Accessing URI component representation

Once instantiated, all URI component objects expose the methods and constants defined in the ComponentInterface interface.

This interface is used to normalized URI component representation while taking into account each component specificity.


interface ComponentInterface
	const NO_ENCODING = 0;
	const RFC1738_ENCODING = 1;
	const RFC3986_ENCODING = 2;
	const RFC3987_ENCODING = 3;

	public function __toString(void): string
	public function getContent(int $enc_type = self::RFC3986_ENCODING): mixed
	public function getUriComponent(void): string
	public function isEmpty(void): bool
	public function isNull(void): bool

Which will lead to the following results:


use League\Uri\Components\Scheme;
use League\Uri\Components\UserInfo,
use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;
use League\Uri\Components\Host;
use League\Uri\Components\Query;
use League\Uri\Components\Path;
use League\Uri\Components\Port;

$scheme = new Scheme('HtTp');
echo $scheme->__toString(); //displays 'http'
echo $scheme->getUriComponent(); //display 'http:'

$userinfo = new UserInfo('john');
echo $userinfo->__toString(); //displays 'john'
echo $userinfo->getUriComponent(); //displays 'john@'

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/toto le heros/file.xml');
echo $path->getContent(HierarchicalPath::NO_ENCODING); //displays '/toto le heros/file.xml'
echo $path->__toString(); //displays '/toto%20le%20heros/file.xml'

$host = new Host('bébé.be');
echo $host; //displays ''
echo $host->getContent(Host::RFC3987_ENCODING); //displays 'bébé.be'

$query = new Query();
$query->isNull(); //returns true
$query->isEmpty(); //returns true
echo $query->getContent(); //displays null

$path = new Path('');
$path->isNull(); //returns false
$path->isEmpty(); //returns true
echo $path->getContent(); //displays ''

$port = new Port(23);
$port->isNull(); //returns false
$port->isEmpty(); //returns false
echo $port->getContent(); //displays (int) 23;

For a more generalized representation you must use the ComponentInterface::getContent method. This method returns type can be:

The string is normalized and encoded according to the component rules and the optional $enc_type parameter. The $enc_type parameter can take on of the following values:

Normalization and encoding are component specific.

By default, $enc_type equals ComponentInterface::RFC3986_ENCODING

Modifying URI component object

All URI component objects can be modified with the ComponentInterface::withContent method. This method accepts:

and returns a new instance with the modified content.

submitted string is normalized to be RFC3986 compliant.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;
use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query();
$new_query = $query->withContent('');
echo $query->getContent(); //returns null
echo $new_query->getContent(); //returns ''

$host = new Host('');
$new_host = $host->withContent('bébé.be');
echo $new_host->getContent(); //displays '';
echo $new_host->getContent(Host::RFC3987_ENCODING); //displays 'bébé.be';

If the submitted value is not valid an League\Uri\Components\Exception exception is thrown.

List of URI component objects

The following URI component objects are defined (order alphabetically):

Some URI component objects expose more methods to enable better manipulations.