This package is abandoned. Please consider using an stable alternative for any production code.

Uri Query String Parser and Builder

Build Status Latest Version

This package contains a userland PHP uri query parser and builder.


use League\Uri\Parser\QueryString;

$pairs = QueryString::parse('module=home&action=show&page=๐Ÿ˜“');
// returns [
//     ['module', 'home'],
//     ['action', 'show'],
//     ['page', '๐Ÿ˜“']
// ];

$str = QueryString::build($pairs, '|');
// returns 'module=home|action=show|page=๐Ÿ˜“'

System Requirements

You need:

  • PHP >= 7.2 but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended


$ composer require league/uri-query-parser


The parsing/building algorithms preserve pairs order and uses the same algorithm used by JavaScript UrlSearchParams

Parsing the URI query string

Parsing a query string is easy.


use League\Uri\Parser\QueryString;

$pairs = QueryString::parse('module=home&action=show&page=๐Ÿ˜“');
// returns [
//     ['module', 'home'],
//     ['action', 'show'],
//     ['page', '๐Ÿ˜“']
// ];



public static function QueryString::parse($query, string $separator = '&', int $enc_type = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986): array;

The returned array is a collection of key/value pairs. Each pair is represented as an array where the first element is the pair key and the second element the pair value. While the pair key is always a string, the pair value can be a string or the null value.

The QueryString::parse method parameters are

  • $query can be the null value, any scalar or object which is stringable;
  • $separator is a string; by default it is the & character;
  • $enc_type is one of PHPโ€™s constant PHP_QUERY_RFC3968 or PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 which represented the supported encoding algoritm

Hereโ€™s a simple example showing how to use all the given parameters:


$pairs = QueryString::parse(
// returns [
//     ['module', 'home'],
//     ['action', 'show'],
//     ['page', 'toto bar'],
//     ['action', 'hide'],
// ];

Building the URI query string

To convert back the collection of key/value pairs into a valid query string or the null value you can use the static public QueryString::build method.


$pairs = QueryString::build([
    ['module', 'home'],
    ['action', 'show'],
    ['page', 'toto bar'],
    ['action', 'hide'],
], '|', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);

// returns 'module=home|action=show|page=toto%20bar|action=hide';



public static function QueryString::build(iterable $pairs, string $separator = '&', int $enc_type = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986): ?string;

The static public QueryString::build method :

  • accepts any iterable structure containing a collection of key/pair pairs as describe in the returned array of the QueryString::parse method.

Just like with QueryString::parse, you can specify the separator and the encoding algorithm to use.

  • the function returns the null value if an empty array or collection is given as input.

Extracting PHP variables


public static function QueryString::extract($query, string $separator = '&', int $enc_type = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986): array;
public static function QueryString::convert(iterable $pairs): array;

QueryString::parse and QueryString::build preserve the query string pairs content and order. If you want to extract PHP variables from the query string ร  la parse_str you can use:

  • The QueryString::extract method which takes the same parameters as QueryString::parse
  • The QueryString::convert method which takes the result of QueryString::parse

both methods, however, do not allow parameters key mangling in the returned array like parse_str;


use League\Uri\Parser\QueryString;

$query = 'module=show&arr.test[1]=sid&arr test[4][two]=fred&+module+=hide';

$params = QueryString::extract($query, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC1738);
// $params contains [
//     'module' = 'show',
//     'arr.test' => [
//         1 => 'sid',
//     ],
//     'arr test' => [
//         4 => [
//             'two' => 'fred',
//         ]
//     ],
//     ' module ' => 'hide',
// ];

parse_str($query, $variables);
// $variables contains [
//     'module' = 'show',
//     'arr_test' => [
//         1 => 'sid',
//         4 => [
//             'two' => 'fred',
//         ],
//     ],
//     'module_' = 'hide',
// ];


All exceptions extends the League\Uri\Parser\InvalidUriComponent marker class which extends PHPโ€™s InvalidArgumentException class.

  • If the query string is invalid a League\Uri\Exception\MalformedUriComponent exception is thrown.
  • If the query pair is invalid a League\Uri\Parser\InvalidQueryPair exception is thrown.
  • If the encoding algorithm is unknown or invalid a League\Uri\Parser\UnknownEncoding exception is thrown.

use League\Uri\Exception\InvalidUriComponent;
use League\Uri\Parser\QueryString;

try {
    QueryString::extract('foo=bar', '&', 42);
} catch (InvalidUriComponent $e) {
    //$e is an instanceof League\Uri\Parser\UnknownEncoding