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This package contains features and capabilities to ease manipulating URIs.

league\uri allows straightforward URI manipulation and exposes a complete API around URI creation and modification using the UriTemplate and the URI class. The latter represents a generic RFC3986 compliant URI object with support for RFC3987 IDN host.

For interoperability, the package also provide PSR-7 and PSR-17 compliant implementations around URI access and creation.

System Requirements

You need PHP >= 8.1 but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended.

Handling of an IDN host requires the presence of the intl extension or a polyfill for the intl IDN functions like the symfony/polyfill-intl-idn otherwise an exception will be thrown when attempting to validate or interact with such a host.

IPv4 conversion requires at least one of the following:

  • the GMP extension,
  • the BCMatch extension or
  • a 64-bits PHP version

otherwise an exception will be thrown when attempting to convert a host as an IPv4 address.

In order to create Data URI from the content of a file you are required to also install the fileinfo extension otherwise an exception will be thrown.

To convert a URI into an HTML anchor tag you need to have the ext-dom extension installed in your system.


$ composer require league/uri:^7.0
