This package is abandoned. Please consider using an stable alternative for any production code.

PSL Manager


namespace League\Uri\PublicSuffix;

use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;

final class ICANNSectionManager
    const PSL_URL = '';
    public function __construct(CacheInterface $cache, HttpClient $http)
    public function getRules(string $source_url = self::PSL_URL): Rules
    public function refreshRules(string $source_url = self::PSL_URL): bool

This class obtains, parses, caches, and returns a PHP representation of the PSL ICANN section rules.

Creating a new manager

To work as intended, the ICANNSectionManager constructor requires:

  • a PSR-16 Cache object to store the retrieved rules using a basic HTTP client.

  • a HttpClient interface which exposes the HttpClient::getContent method which expects a string URL representation has its sole argument and returns the body from the given URL resource as a string.
    If an error occurs while retrieving such body a HttpClientException is thrown.


namespace League\Uri\PublicSuffix;

interface HttpClient
     * Returns the content fetched from a given URL.
     * @param string $url
     * @throws HttpClientException If an errors occurs while fetching the content from a given URL
     * @return string Retrieved content
    public function getContent(string $url): string;

For advance usages you are free to use your own cache and/or http implementation.

By default and out of the box, the package uses:

  • a file cache PSR-16 implementation based on the excellent FileCache which caches the local copy for a maximum of 7 days.
  • a HTTP client based on the cURL extension.

Accessing the Public Suffix rules


public function getRules(string $source_url = self::PSL_URL): Rules

This method returns a Rules object which is instantiated with the PSL ICANN Section rules.

The method takes an optional $source_url argument which specifies the PSL ICANN Section source URL. If no local cache exists for the submitted source URL, the method will:

  1. call ICANNSectionManager::refreshRules with the given URL to update its local cache
  2. instantiate the Rules object with the newly cached data.

On error, the method throws an League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Exception.


use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Cache;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\CurlHttpClient;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\ICANNSectionManager;

$manager = new ICANNSectionManager(new Cache(), new CurlHttpClient());
$icann_rules = $manager->getRules('');

Refreshing the cached rules

This method enables refreshing your local copy of the PSL ICANN Section stored with your PSR-16 Cache and retrieved using the Http Client. By default the method will use the ICANNSectionManager::PSL_URL as the source URL but you are free to substitute this URL with your own.
The method returns a boolean value which is true on success.


use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Cache;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\CurlHttpClient;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\ICANNSectionManager;

$manager = new ICANNSectionManager(new Cache(), new CurlHttpClient());

Automatic Updates

It is important to always have an up to date PSL ICANN Section. In order to do so the library comes bundle with an auto-update script located in the bin directory.

$ php ./bin/update-psl-icann-section

This script requires that:

  • The League\Uri\Installer\ICANNSection class which comes bundle with this package
  • The use of the Cache and HTTP Client implementations bundle with the package.

If you prefer using your own implementations you should:

  1. Copy the League\Uri\Installer\ICANNSection class
  2. Adapt its code to reflect your requirements.

In any cases your are required to register a cron with your chosen script to keep your data up to date

For example, below I’m using the ICANNSectionManager with

Of course you can add more setups depending on your usage.

Be sure to adapt the following code to your own framework/situation. The following code is given as an example without warranty of it working out of the box.


use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\HttpClient;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\HttpClientException;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\ICANNSectionManager;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\PDOCache;

final class GuzzleHttpClientAdapter implements HttpClient
    private $client;

    public function __construct(GuzzleClient $client)
        $this->client = $client;

    public function getContent(string $url): string
        try {
            return $client->get($url)->getBody()->getContents();
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            throw new HttpClientException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);

$dbh = new PDO('mysql:dbname=testdb;host=', 'dbuser', 'dbpass');
$symfonyCache = new PDOCache($dbh, 'league-psl-icann', 86400);
$guzzleAdapter = new GuzzleHttpClientAdapter(new GuzzleClient());
$manager = new ICANNSectionManager($symfonyCache, $guzzleAdapter);
//the rules are saved to the database for 1 day
//the rules are fetched using GuzzlClient

$icann_rules = $manager->getRules();
$domain = $icann_rules->resolve('ébé.faketld');
$domain->getDomain();            //returns 'ébé.faketld'
$domain->getPublicSuffix();      //returns 'faketld'
$domain->getRegistrableDomain(); //returns 'bébé.faketld'
$domain->getSubDomain();         //returns ''
$domain->isValid();              //returns false

In any case, you should setup a cron to regularly update your local cache.