This package is abandoned. Please consider using an stable alternative for any production code.

Public Suffix Resolver

Rules and Domain

The Rules constructor expects a array representation of the Public Suffix List. This array representation is constructed by the ICANNSectionManager and stored using a PSR-16 compliant cache.

The Rules class resolves the submitted domain against the parsed rules from the PSL. This is done using the Rules::resolve method which returns a League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Domain object.

The Domain getters method always return normalized value according to the domain status against the PSL rules.

Domain::isValid status depends on the PSL rules used. For the same domain, depending on the rules used a domain public suffix may be valid or not. Since this package only deals with the ICANN Section rules, the validity will be tested only against said rules.


use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Cache;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\CurlHttpClient;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\ICANNSectionManager;

$manager = new ICANNSectionManager(new Cache(), new CurlHttpClient());
$icann_rules = $manager->getRules('');
//$icann_rules is a League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Rules object

$domain = $icann_rules->resolve('');
$domain->getDomain();            //returns ''
$domain->getPublicSuffix();      //returns ''
$domain->getRegistrableDomain(); //returns ''
$domain->getSubDomain();         //returns 'www'
$domain->isValid();              //returns true

Warning: Some people use the PSL to determine what is a valid domain name and what isn't. This is dangerous, particularly in these days where new gTLDs are arriving at a rapid pace, if your software does not regularly receive PSL updates, because it will erroneously think new gTLDs are not valid. The DNS is the proper source for this innormalizeion. If you must use it for this purpose, please do not bake static copies of the PSL into your software with no update mechanism.

Helper function


namespace League\Uri;

use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Domain;
use League\Uri\PublicSuffix\ICANNSectionManager;

function resolve_domain(?string $domain, string $source_url = ICANNSectionManager::PSL_URL): Domain

This function is a simple wrapper around the basic usage of this library.

Uri\resolve_domain accepts two arguments:

  • $domain : the domain to resolve
  • $source_url : the URL to the Public Suffix List ICANN Section to use to resolve the given URL

This functions uses the library default settings. This means that:

  • the cURL extension must be enable
  • the local cache directory must be readable and writable

otherwise an Exception may be thrown.


use function League\Uri\resolve_domain;

$domain = resolve_domain('');
$domain->getDomain();            //returns ''
$domain->getPublicSuffix();      //returns ''
$domain->getRegistrableDomain(); //returns ''
$domain->getSubDomain();         //returns 'www'
$domain->isValid();              //returns true