This package is abandoned. Please consider using an stable alternative for any production code.

URI Objects API

The URI objects are mainly used to validate and normalized URI against RFC3986 and each scheme specific validation rules.

Starting with version 1.1.0 all URI objects are defined in the League\Uri namespace. The League\Uri\Schemes namespace is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

Creating new URI objects

URI instantiation

To instantiate a new URI object you can use two named constructors:

public static Uri::createFromString(string $uri = ''): Uri
public static Uri::createFromComponents(array $components): Uri
  • The Uri::createFromString named constructor returns an new URI object from a string.
  • The Uri::createFromComponents named constructor returns an new URI object from the return value of PHP’s function parse_url.

The default constructor is protected and can not be accessed to instantiate a new object.

If you supply your own hash to createFromComponents, you are responsible for providing well parsed components without their URI delimiters.

A League\Uri\UriException exception is triggered if an invalid URI is given.


use League\Uri;

$uri = Uri\Data::createFromComponents(
// throws a League\Uri\UriException
// because the http scheme is not supported

Because createFromString internally use League\Uri\Parser if the supplied URI string is invalid a League\Uri\Exception can be thrown on instantiation.


use League\Uri;

$uri = Uri\Http::createFromString(':');
// throws a League\Uri\Exception
// because the URI string is invalid

Because the League\Uri\UriException exception extends League\Uri\Exception you can catch any exception triggered by the package using the following code.

League\Uri\Exception extends PHP's SPL InvalidArgumentException.


use League\Uri;

try {
	$uri = Uri\Http::createFromString(':');
} catch (Uri\Exception $e) {
	//$e is either League\Uri\Exception
	//or League\Uri\UriException

Accessing URI properties

All URI objects expose the same methods. You can access the URI string, its individual parts and components using their respective getter methods.


public Uri::__toString(): string
public Uri::getScheme(void): string
public Uri::getUserInfo(void): string
public Uri::getHost(void): string
public Uri::getPort(void): int|null
public Uri::getAuthority(void): string
public Uri::getPath(void): string
public Uri::getQuery(void): string
public Uri::getFragment(void): string

Which will lead to the following result for a simple HTTP URI:


use League\Uri;

$uri = Uri\Http::createFromString("");
echo $uri;                 //displays ""
echo $uri->getScheme();    //displays "http"
echo $uri->getUserInfo();  //displays "foo:bar"
echo $uri->getHost();      //displays ""
echo $uri->getPort();      //displays 81 as an integer
echo $uri->getAuthority(); //displays ""
echo $uri->getPath();      //displays "/how/are/you"
echo $uri->getQuery();     //displays "foo=baz"
echo $uri->getFragment();  //displays "title"

Modifying URI properties

To replace one of the URI part you can use the modifying methods exposed by all URI object. If the modifications do not alter the current object, it is returned as is, otherwise, a new modified object is returned.

Any modification method can trigger a League\Uri\UriException exception if the resulting URI is not valid. Just like with the instantiation methods, validition is scheme dependant.


public Uri::withScheme(string $scheme): self
public Uri::withUserInfo(string $user [, string $password = null]): self
public Uri::withHost(string $host): self
public Uri::withPort(int|null $port): self
public Uri::withPath(string $path): self
public Uri::withQuery(string $query): self
public Uri::withFragment(string $fragment): self

Since All URI object are immutable you can chain each modifying methods to simplify URI creation and/or modification.


use League\Uri;

$uri = Uri\Ws::createFromString("ws://")
    ->withUserInfo("foo", "bar")

echo $uri; //displays wss://

URI normalization

Out of the box the package normalizes any given URI according to the non destructive rules of RFC3986.

These non destructives rules are:

  • scheme and host components are lowercased;
  • the host is converted to its ascii representation using punycode if needed
  • query, path, fragment components are URI encoded if needed;
  • the port number is removed from the URI string representation if the standard port is used;

use League\Uri;

$uri = Uri\Http::createFromString("hTTp:// ld?who=f 3#title");
echo $uri; //displays

$uri = Uri\Http::createFromComponent(parse_url("hTTp://www.bébé.be?#"));
echo $uri; //displays