Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

URI parser and builder

The League\Uri\UriString class is a userland PHP URI parser and builder compliant with RFC 3986 and RFC 3987 to replace PHP’s parse_url function.

URI parsing

The parser is RFC3986/RFC3987 compliant


use League\Uri\UriString;

//returns the following array
//  'scheme' => 'http',
//  'user' => null,
//  'pass' => null,
//  'host' => '',
//  'port' => null,
//  'path' => '',
//  'query' => '',
//  'fragment' => null,

//returns the following array
//  'scheme' => 'http',
//  'host' => '',
//  'user' => '',
//  'path' => '/',
// Depending on the PHP version

The Parser returns all URI components.

//returns the following array
//  'scheme' => 'http',
//  'user' => null,
//  'pass' => null,
//  'host' => '',
//  'port' => null,
//  'path' => '/',
//  'query' => null,
//  'fragment' => null,

//returns the following array
//  'scheme' => 'http',
//  'host' => '',
//  'path' => '/',

No extra parameters needed

$uri = '';
UriString::parse($uri)['query']; //returns null
parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_QUERY); //returns null

Empty component and undefined component are not treated the same

A distinction is made between an unspecified component, which will be set to null and an empty component which will be equal to the empty string.

$uri = '';
UriString::parse($uri)['query']; //returns ''
parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_QUERY);  //returns null

The path component is never equal to null

Since a URI is made of at least a path component, this component is never equal to null

UriString::parse($uri)['path']; //returns ''
parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH);  //returns null

The parser throws exception instead of returning false.

parse_url($uri); //returns false

//throw a League\Uri\Contracts\UriException

The parser is not a validator

Just like parse_url, the League\Uri\Parser only parses and extracts from the URI string its components.

You still need to validate them against its scheme specific rules.

$uri = '';
//returns the following array
//  'scheme' => 'http',
//  'user' => null,
//  'pass' => null,
//  'host' => null,
//  'port' => null,
//  'path' => '',
//  'query' => null,
//  'fragment' => null,

This invalid HTTP URI is successfully parsed.

URI Building

UriString::build(array $components): string

You can rebuild a URI from its hash representation returned by the UriString::parse method or PHP’s parse_url function using the UriString::build public static method.

If you supply your own hash you are responsible for providing valid encoded components without their URI delimiters.

$base_uri = '';
$components = UriString::parse($base_uri);
//returns the following array
//  'scheme' => 'http',
//  'user' => 'hello',
//  'pass' => 'world',
//  'host' => '',
//  'port' => null,
//  'path' => '',
//  'query' => '',
//  'fragment' => null,

$uri = UriString::build($components);

echo $uri; //displays

The build method provides similar functionality to the http_build_url() function from v1.x of the pecl_http PECL extension.