Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.


The League\Uri\Http class implements:

Following the PSR-7 interfaces the class handles all URI schemes but default to processing them as HTTP(s) URI if the scheme is not defined.


The default constructor is private and can not be accessed to instantiate a new object.

The League\Uri\Http class comes with the following named constructor to ease instantiation.

Using a string


use League\Uri\Http;

$uri = Http::createFromString('');

The method supports parameter widening, scalar values and objects implementing the __toString are accepted.

Using Uri components

$uri = Http::createFromComponents(parse_url("http://uri.thephpleague/5.0/uri/api"));

If you supply your own hash to createFromComponents, you are responsible for providing well parsed components without their URI delimiters.

Using the environment variables

//don't forget to provide the $_SERVER array
$uri = Http::createFromServer($_SERVER);

The method only relies on the server's safe parameters to determine the current URI. If you are using the library behind a proxy the result may differ from your expectation as no $_SERVER['HTTP_X_*'] header is taken into account for security reasons.

Using a base URI

$uri = Http::createFromBaseUri('./p#~toto', '');
echo $uri; //returns ''

The createFromBaseUri named constructor instantiates an absolute URI or resolves a relative URI against another absolute URI. If present the absolute URI can be:

  • a League UriInterface object
  • a PSR-7 UriInterface object
  • an object implementing the __toString method
  • a scalar

Exceptions are thrown if:

  • the provided base URI is not absolute;
  • the provided URI is not absolute in absence of a base URI;

When a base URI is given the URI is resolved against that base URI just like a browser would for a relative URI.

The method supports parameter widening, scalar values and objects implementing the __toString or other URI objects are accepted.

Using a URI object

The createFromUri named constructor instantiates an URI from a League\Uri\Contracts\UriInterface implementing object or another PSR-7 UriInterface implementing object


use League\Uri\Http;
use League\Uri\Uri;

$rfc3986Uri = Uri::createFromDataPath(__DIR__.'/data/logo.png');
$uri = Http::createFromUri($rfc3986Uri);


If no scheme is present, the URI is treated as a HTTP(s) URI and must follow the scheme rules as explained in RFC3986 and PSR-7 documentation.

Authority presence

If a scheme is present and the scheme specific part of a Http URI is not empty the URI can not contain an empty authority. Thus, some Http URI modifications must be applied in a specific order to preserve the URI validation.

$uri = Http::createFromString('');
echo $uri->withHost('')->withScheme('');
// will throw an League\Uri\UriException
// you can not remove the Host if a scheme is present

Instead you are required to proceed as below

$uri = Http::createFromString('');
echo $uri->withScheme('')->withHost(''); //displays "/"

When an invalid URI object is created an UriException exception is thrown

Path validity

According to RFC3986, if an HTTP URI contains a non empty authority part, the URI path must be the empty string or absolute. Thus, some modification may trigger an UriException.

$uri = Http::createFromString('');
echo $uri->withPath('uri/schemes/http');
// will throw an League\Uri\UriException

Instead you are required to submit a absolute path

$uri = Http::createFromString('');
echo $uri->withPath('/uri/schemes/http'); // displays ''

Of note this does not mean that rootless path are forbidden, the following code is fine.

$uri = Http::createFromString('?foo=bar');
echo $uri->withPath('uri/schemes/http'); // displays 'uri/schemes/http?foo=bar'

Json representation

The json representation of the class is the same as its string representation per PSR-7 rules.

$uri = Http::createFromString('');
echo json_encode($uri);
// will display "" the double quote are added by the json function

Relation with PSR-7

The Http class implements the PSR-7 UriInterface interface. This means that you can use this class anytime you need a PSR-7 compliant URI object.