Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Data URI Path

The library provides a League\Uri\Components\DataPath class to ease complex path manipulation on a Data URI object. The class extends the default Path object with methods dedicated to manipulate Data URI paths.


Using the default constructor

Just like any other component, a new League\Uri\Components\DataPath object can be instantiated using its default constructor.


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$path = new Path('text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21');
echo $path; //returns 'text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21'

The mediatype is only validated according to its syntax. You should use an independent mediatype validator if necessary.

If the submitted value is not a valid path an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

Using a Data Uri object


use League\Uri\Schemes\Data as DataUri;

$uri  = DataUri::createFromString('data:text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21');
$path = $uri->path; // $path is a League\Uri\Components\DataPath object;

Using a named constructor

Instantiating using a file path

Because data URI represents files you can also instantiate a new data URI object from a file path using the createFromPath named constructor


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$path = Path::createFromPath('path/to/my/png/image.png');
echo $uri; //returns 'image/png;charset=binary;base64,...'
//where '...' represent the base64 representation of the file

If the file is not readable or accessible an InvalidArgumentException exception will be thrown. The class uses PHP’s finfo class to detect the required mediatype as defined in RFC2045.

Path representations

String representation

Basic path representations is done using the following methods:


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$path = new Path('text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21');
$path->__toString(); //returns 'text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21'
$path->getUriComponent(); //returns 'text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21'



The DataPath class exposes the following specific methods:

Each of these methods return a string. This string can be empty if the data where no supplied when constructing the URI.


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$uri = DataUri::createFromString('data:text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21');
echo $uri->getMediaType(); //returns 'text/plain;charset=us-ascii'
echo $uri->getMimeType(); //returns 'text/plain'
echo $uri->getParameters(); //returns 'charset=us-ascii'
echo $uri->getData(); //returns 'Hello%20World%21'

Is it a binary data ?

To tell whether the data URI represents some binary data you can call the isBinaryData method. This method which returns a boolean will return true if the data is in a binary state. The binary state is checked on instantiation. Invalid binary dataURI will throw an InvalidArgumentException exception on initiation.


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$uri = DataUri::createFromPath('path/to/my/png/image.png');
$uri->isBinaryData(); //returns true
$altUri = DataUri::createFromString('data:text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21');
$altUri->isBinaryData(); //returns false


The data URI Path class is an immutable object everytime you manipulate the object a new object is returned with the modified value if needed.

Update the Data URI parameters

Since we are dealing with a data and not just a URI, the only property that can be easily modified are its optional parameters.

To set new parameters you should use the withParameters method:


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$path = new Path('text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21');
$newPath = $path->withParameters('charset=utf-8');
echo $newPath; //returns 'text/plain;charset=utf-8,Hello%20World%21'

Of note the data should be urlencoded if needed.

Transcode the data between its binary and ascii representation

Another manipulation is to transcode the data from ASCII to is base64 encoded (or binary) version. If no conversion is possible the former object is returned otherwise a new valid data uri object is created.


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$path = new Path('data:text/plain;charset=us-ascii,Hello%20World%21');
$path->isBinaryData(); // return false;
$newPath = $path->toBinary();
$newPath->isBinaryData(); //return true;
$newPath->toAscii()->sameValueAs($path); //return true;

Saving the Data URI Path

Since the path can be interpreted as a file, it is possible to save it to a specified path using the dedicated save method. This method accepts two parameters:

By default the open mode is set to w. If for any reason the file is not accessible a RuntimeException will be thrown.

The method returns the SplFileObject object used to save the data-uri data for further analysis/manipulation if you want.


use League\Uri\Components\DataPath as Path;

$uri = Path::createFromPath('path/to/my/file.png');
$file = $uri->save('path/where/to/save/my/image.png');
//$file is a SplFileObject which point to the newly created file;