Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

The Pass component

The library provides a Pass class to ease user creation and manipulation.


Using the default constructor.


public function __contruct($pass = null)

The constructor accepts:



use League\Uri\Components\Pass;

$user = new Pass('jo@hn');
echo $user->getContent();      //display 'jo%40hn'
echo $user;                    //display 'jo%40hn'
echo $user->getUriComponent(); //display 'jo%40hn'

$user = new Pass();
echo $user->getContent();      //display null
echo $user;                    //display ''
echo $user->getUriComponent(); //display ''

If the submitted value is not a valid an InvalidArgumentException exception is thrown.

On instantiation the submitted string is normalized using RFC3986 rules.

Using a League Uri object

You can access a Pass object with an already instantiated Uri object.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http as HttpUri;

$uri = HttpUri::createFromString('');
$pass = $uri->pass; // $user is a League\Uri\Components\Pass object;

Properties and Methods

The component representation, comparison and manipulation is done using the package UriPart and the Component interfaces methods.


New in version 4.2


public function Pass::getDecoded(void): null|string

Returns the decoded value of the component getContent method


use League\Uri\Components\Pass;

$user = new Pass('frag%20ment');
$user->getContent(); // display 'frag%40ment'
$user->getDecoded();   // display 'frag@ment'