Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Path modifiers

Here’s the documentation for the included URI modifiers which are modifying the URI path component.

Removing dot segments

Removes dot segments according to RFC3986:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveDotSegments;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveDotSegments();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Removing empty segments

Removes adjacent separators with empty segment.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveEmptySegments;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveEmptySegments();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Removing trailing slash

Removes the path trailing slash if present


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveTrailingSlash;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveTrailingSlash();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Adding trailing slash

Adds the path trailing slash if not present


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\AddTrailingSlash;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new AddTrailingSlash();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Removing leading slash

Removes the path leading slash if present.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveLeadingSlash;

$uri = Http::createFromString("/path/to/the/sky/");
$modifier = new RemoveLeadingSlash();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "path/to/the/sky"

Adding leading slash

Adds the path leading slash if not present.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\AddLeadingSlash;

$uri = Http::createFromString("path/to/the/sky/");
$modifier = new AddLeadingSlash();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "/path/to/the/sky"

Appending segments



public AppendSegment::__construct(string $segment)

Appends a segment or a path to the current URI path.


$segment must be a string



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\AppendSegment;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new AppendSegment("and/above");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Prepending segments



public PrependSegment::__construct(string $segment)

Prepends a segment or a path to the current URI path.


$segment must be a string



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\PrependSegment;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new PrependSegment("and/above");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Replacing segments



public ReplaceSegment::__construct(int $offset, string $segment)

Replaces a segment from the current URI path with a new segment or path.




use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\ReplaceSegment;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new ReplaceSegment(3, "sea");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Updating the modifier parameters

The withSegment and withOffset methods are deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release.

With the following URI modifiers:

You can update the segment string using the withSegment method. This method expect a valid segment/path and will return a new instance with the updated segment.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\ReplaceSegment;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new ReplaceSegment(3, "sea");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withSegment('sun');
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

In case of the ReplaceSegment modifier, the offset can also be modified.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\ReplaceSegment;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new ReplaceSegment(3, "sea");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withSegment('sun')->withOffset(0);
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Updating path extension



public Extension::__construct(string $extension)

Adds, update and or remove the path extension from the current URI path.


$extension must be a valid string extension



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\Extension;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new Extension("csv");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

The withExtension method is deprecated since version 4.1and will be removed in the next major release

You can update the extension chosen by using the withExtension method


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\Extension;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new Extension("csv");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withExtension("php");
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Removing selected segments



public RemoveSegments::__construct(array $keys = [])

Removes selected segments from the current URI path.



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveSegments;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveSegments([1,3]);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

The withKeys method is deprecated since version 4.1and will be removed in the next major release

You can update the offsets chosen by using the withKeys method


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveSegments;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveSegments([1,3]);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withKeys([0,2]);
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Filtering selected segments



public FilterSegments::__construct(callable $callable, int $flag = 0)

Filter selected segments from the current URI path to keep.


For Backward compatibility with PHP5.5 which lacks these flags constant you can use the library constants instead:

League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection constantsPHP's 5.6+ constants



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\FilterSegments;
use League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new FilterSegments(function ($value) {
    return $value > 0 && $value < 2;
}, Collection::FILTER_USE_KEY);
echo $newUri; //display ""

You can update the URI modifier using:

The withCallable and withFlag methods are deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\FilterSegments;
use League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new FilterSegments(function ($value) {
    return $value > 0 && $value < 2;
}, Collection::FILTER_USE_KEY);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withCallable(function ($value) {
    return false !== strpos($value, 'h');
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Add, Update, Remove the FTP typecode information



public Typecode::__construct(int $flag = 0)

This methods returns a new URI object with the modified typecode.


With this URI modifier you can:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Ftp as FtpUri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\Typecode;

$uri = FtpUri::createFromString('');
$modifier = new Typecode(FtpUri::FTP_TYPE_BINARY);
$newUri = $modifier($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ';type=i'

use League\Uri\Schemes\Ftp as FtpUri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\Typecode;

$uri = FtpUri::createFromString(';type=a');
$modifier = new Typecode(FtpUri::FTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY);
$newUri = $modifier($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ';type=d'

use League\Uri\Schemes\Ftp as FtpUri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\Typecode;

$uri = FtpUri::createFromString(';type=d');
$modifier = new Typecode(FtpUri::FTP_TYPE_EMPTY);
$newUri = $modifier($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ''

Just like others modifier it is possible to update the modifier typecode settings using the Typecode::withType method.

The withType method is deprecated since version 4.1and will be removed in the next major release

When modifying the typecode the class only validate the return string. Additional check should be done to ensure that the path is valid for a given typecode.

Update Data URI parameters



public DataUriParameters::__construct(string $parameters = 0)

Removes selected segments from the current URI path.


$parameters is a string containing the parameters to be associated with the Data Uri.



use League\Uri\Schemes\Data as DataUri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\DataUriParameters;

$uriString = "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Hello%20World!";
$uri = DataUri::createFromString($uriString);
$modifier = new DataUriParameters("charset=utf-8");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,Hello%20World!"

The withParameters method is deprecated since version 4.1and will be removed in the next major release

You can update the offsets chosen by using the withParameters method


use League\Uri\Schemes\Data as DataUri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\DataUriParameters;

$uriString = "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Hello%20World!";
$uri = DataUri::createFromString($uriString);
$modifier = new DataUriParameters("charset=utf-8");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,Hello%20World!"
$altModifier = $modifier->withParameters("charset=utf-16;foo=bar");
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display "data:text/plain;charset=utf-16;foo=bar,Hello%20World!"

Transcoding Data URI from ASCII to Binary

Transcoding a data URI path from text to its base64 encoded version


use League\Uri\Schemes\Data as DataUri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\DataUriToBinary;

$uriString = "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Hello%20World!";
$uri = DataUri::createFromString($uriString);
$modifier = new DataUriToBinary();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII;base64,SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"

Transcoding Data URI from Binary to ascii

Transcoding a data URI path from text to its base64 encoded version


use League\Uri\Schemes\Data as DataUri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\DataUriToAscii;

$uriString = "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII;base64,SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh";
$uri = DataUri::createFromString($uriString);
$modifier = new DataUriToAscii();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Hello%20World!"