Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Query modifiers

Here’s the documentation for the included URI modifiers which are modifying the URI query component.

Sorting the query keys



public KsortQuery::__construct(mixed $sort = SORT_REGULAR)

Sorts the query according to its key values.


The $sort argument can be:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\KsortQuery;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new KsortQuery(SORT_REGULAR);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\KsortQuery;

$sort = function ($value1, $value2) {
    return strcasecmp($value1, $value2);

$modifier = new KsortQuery($sort);

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""


The withAlgorithm method is deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release

The sorting algorithm can be change at any given time. By default if none is provided. The sorting is done using PHP’s ksort sort flag parameters. But you can also provide a callable as sorting mechanism using the withAlgorithm method.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\KsortQuery;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new KsortQuery();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withAlgorithm(function ($value1, $value2) {
    return strcasecmp($value1, $value2);
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Merging query string



public MergeQuery::__construct(string $query)

Merges a submitted query string to the URI object to be modified



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\MergeQuery;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new MergeQuery('kingkong=godzilla&toto');
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""


The withQuery method is deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release

At any given time you can create a new modifier with another query string to merge using the withQuery method.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\MergeQuery;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new MergeQuery('kingkong=godzilla&toto');
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withQuery('foo=1');
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Removing query keys



public RemoveQueryKeys::__construct(array $keys = [])

Removes query keys from the current URI path.



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveQueryKeys;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveQueryKeys(["foo"]);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""


The withKeys method is deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release

You can update the keys chosen by using the withKeys method


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveQueryKeys;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveQueryKeys(["foo"]);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withKeys(["kingkong"]);
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Filtering query key/values



public FilterQuery::__construct(callable $callable, int $flag = 0)


For Backward compatibility with PHP5.5 which lacks these flags constant you can use the library constants instead:

League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection constantsPHP's 5.6+ constants


Filter selected query keys and/or values from the current URI path to keep.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\FilterQuery;
use League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection;

$filter = function ($value) {
    return strpos($value, 'f');
$uriString = "";
$uri = Http::createFromString($uriString);
$modifier = new FilterQuery($filter, Collection::FILTER_USE_KEY);
echo $newUri; //display ""


The withCallable and withFlag methods are deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release

You can update the URI modifier using:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\FilterQuery;
use League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new FilterQuery(function ($value) {
    return strpos($value, 'f');
}, Collection::FILTER_USE_KEY);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withCallable(function ($value) {
    return false !== strpos($value, 'o');
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""