Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

The Hierarchical Path component

The library provides a HierarchicalPath class to ease HTTP like path creation and manipulation. This URI component object exposes :

but also provide specific methods to work with segments-type URI path components.

If the modifications do not change the current object, it is returned as is, otherwise, a new modified object is returned.

When a modification fails a League\Uri\Components\Exception exception is thrown.

Instantiation using the constructor

public HierarchicalPath::__construct(?string $content = null): void

submitted string is normalized to be RFC3986 compliant.

If the submitted value is not valid a League\Uri\Components\Exception exception is thrown.

The League\Uri\Components\Exception extends PHP’s SPL InvalidArgumentException.

Manipulating the path as a filesystem path

The HierarchicalPath allows you to access and manipulate the path as if it was a filesystem path.

Accessing the path


public HierarchicalPath::getDirname(void): string
public HierarchicalPath::getBasename(void): string
public HierarchicalPath::getExtension(void): string



use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky.txt');
$path->getExtension(); //return 'txt'
$path->getBasename();  //return 'sky.txt'
$path->getDirname();   //return '/path/to/the'

Modifying the path


public HierarchicalPath::withDirname(string $dirname): self
public HierarchicalPath::withBasename(string $basename): self
public HierarchicalPath::withExtension(string $extension): self

withExtension will throw an League\Uri\Components\Exception exception if the extension contains the path delimiter.



use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky.txt;foo=bar');
$new_path = $path
echo $new_path; // display /foo/sky.csv;foo=bar

$alt_path = $path
echo $alt_path; // display /path/to/the/paradise.html

The path as a collection of segments

const HierarchicalPath::IS_RELATIVE = 0;
const HierarchicalPath::IS_ABSOLUTE = 1;
public static HierarchicalPath::createFromSegments($data, int $type = self::IS_RELATIVE): self
public HierarchicalPath::isAbsolute(void): bool
public HierarchicalPath::getSegments(void): array
public HierarchicalPath::getSegment(int $offset, $default = null): mixed
public HierarchicalPath::keys([string $segment]): array
public HierarchicalPath::count(void): int
public HierarchicalPath::getIterator(void): ArrayIterator
public HierarchicalPath::prepend(string $path): self
public HierarchicalPath::append(string $path): self
public HierarchicalPath::replaceSegment(int $offset, string $path): self
public HierarchicalPath::withoutSegments(array $offsets): self


A path is a collection of segment delimited by the path delimiter /. So it is possible to create a HierarchicalPath object using a collection of segments with the HierarchicalPath::createFromSegments method.

The method expects at most 2 arguments:

  • The first required argument must be a collection of segments (an array or a Traversable object)
  • The second optional argument, a HierarchicalPath constant, tells whether this is a rootless path or not:
    • HierarchicalPath::IS_ABSOLUTE: the created object will represent an absolute path;
    • HierarchicalPath::IS_RELATIVE: the created object will represent a rootless path;

use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$relative_path =  HierarchicalPath::createFromSegments(['shop', 'example', 'com']);
echo $relative_path; //display 'shop/example/com'

$absolute_path = HierarchicalPath::createFromSegments(['shop', 'example', 'com'], Path::IS_ABSOLUTE);
echo $absolute_path; //display '/shop/example/com'

$end_slash = HierarchicalPath::createFromSegments(['shop', 'example', 'com', ''], Path::IS_ABSOLUTE);
echo $end_slash; //display '/shop/example/com/'

To force the end slash when using the Path::createFromSegments method you need to add an empty string as the last member of the submitted array.

Accessing the path segments

A path can be represented as an array of its internal segments. Through the use of the HierarchicalPath::getSegments method the class returns the object array representations.

A path ending with a slash will have an empty string as the last member of its array representation.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->getSegments(); //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky'];

$absolute_path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky/');
$absolute_path->getSegments(); //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky', ''];

$relative_path = new HierarchicalPath('path/to/the/sky/');
$relative_path->getSegments(); //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky', ''];

The class implements PHP’s Countable and IteratorAggregate interfaces. This means that you can count the number of segments and use the foreach construct to iterate overs them.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky');
count($path); //return 4
foreach ($path as $offset => $segment) {
    //do something meaningful here

Accessing the segments offset

If you are interested in getting all the segments offsets you can do so using the HierarchicalPath::keys method like shown below:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->keys();        //return [0, 1, 2, 3];
$path->keys('sky');   //return [3];
$path->keys('gweta'); //return [];

The method returns all the segment keys, but if you supply an argument, only the keys whose segment value equals the argument are returned.

The supplied argument is decoded to enable matching the corresponding keys.

Accessing the segments content

If you are only interested in a given segment you can access it directly using the HierarchicalPath::getSegment method as show below:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->getSegment(0);         //return 'path'
$path->getSegment(23);        //return null
$path->getSegment(23, 'now'); //return 'now'

HierarchicalPath::getSegment always returns the decoded representation.

If the offset does not exists it will return the value specified by the optional second argument or null.

HierarchicalPath::getSegment supports negative offsets</code>


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->getSegment(-1);         //return 'sky'
$path->getSegment(-23);        //return null
$path->getSegment(-23, 'now'); //return 'now'

Manipulating the path segments

Append segments

To append segments to the current object you need to use the HierarchicalPath::append method. This method accept a single argument which represents the data to be appended. This data can be a string, an object which implements the __toString method or another HierarchicalPath object:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path    = new HierarchicalPath();
$newPath = $path->append('path')->append('to/the/sky');
$newPath->__toString(); //return path/to/the/sky

Prepend segments

To prepend segments to the current path you need to use the HierarchicalPath::prepend method. This method accept a single argument which represents the data to be prepended. This data can be a string, an object which implements the __toString method or another HierarchicalPath object:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path    = new HierarchicalPath();
$newPath = $path->prepend('sky')->prepend('path/to/the');
$newPath->__toString(); //return path/to/the/sky

Replace segments

To replace a segment you must use the HierarchicalPath::replaceSegment method with the following arguments:

  • $offset which represents the segment offset to remove if it exists.
  • $data which represents the data to be inject. This data can be a string, an object which implements the __toString method or another HierarchicalPath object.

use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path    = new HierarchicalPath('/foo/example/com');
$newPath = $path->replaceSegment(0, 'bar/baz');
$newPath->__toString(); //return /bar/baz/example/com

Just like the HierarchicalPath::getSegment this method supports negative offset.

if the specified offset does not exists, no modification is performed and the current object is returned.

Remove segments

To remove segments from the current object and returns a new HierarchicalPath object without them you must use the HierarchicalPath::withoutSegments method. This method expects a single argument. This argument is an array containing a list of parameter names to remove.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = new HierarchicalPath('/path/to/the/sky');
$newPath = $path->withoutSegments([0, 1]);
$newPath->__toString(); //return '/the/sky'

Just like the HierarchicalPath::getSegment this method supports negative offset.

if the specified offset does not exists, no modification is performed and the current object is returned.