Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

The Host

The library provides a Host class to ease host creation and manipulation. This URI component object exposes the package common API, but also provide specific methods to work with the URI host component.

If the modifications do not change the current object, it is returned as is, otherwise, a new modified object is returned.

When a modification fails an League\Uri\Components\Exception exception is thrown.

Creating a new object using the default constructor

public Host::__construct(?string $content = null, Rules $resolver = null): void

since version 1.7.0 you can inject a Rules object on instantiation.

submitted string is normalized to be RFC3986 compliant.

If the submitted value is not valid a League\Uri\Components\Exception exception is thrown.

The League\Uri\Components\Exception extends PHP’s SPL InvalidArgumentException.

Host represented by an IP


public static Host::createFromIp(string $ip, Rules $resolver = null): self
public Host::getIp(void): string
public Host::getIpVersion(void): string|null
public Host::isIp(void): bool
public Host::isIpv4(void): bool
public Host::isIpv6(void): bool
public Host::isIpFuture(void): bool
public Host::hasZoneIdentifier(void): bool
public Host::withoutZoneIdentifier(void): self


This method allow creating an Host object from an IP. If the submitted IP is invalid a League\Uri\Components\Exception exception is thrown.

since version 1.7.0 you can inject a Rules object on instantiation. The parameter is optional


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$ipv4 = Host::createFromIp('');
echo $ipv4; //display ''

$ipv6 = Host::createFromIp('::1');
echo $ipv6; //display '[::1]'

//throws League\Uri\Components\Exception

IPv4 or IPv6

There are two (2) types of host:

  • Hosts represented by an IP;
  • Hosts represented by a registered name;

To determine what type of host you are dealing with the Host class provides the isIp method:


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
$host->isIp(); //return false;
$ip_host = $host->withContent('');
$ip_host->isIp(); //return true;

Knowing that you are dealing with an IP is good, knowing its version is better.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$ipv6 = Host::createFromIp('::1');
$ipv6->isIp();       //return true
$ipv6->isIpv4();     //return false
$ipv6->isIpv6();     //return true
$ipv6->isIpFuture(); //return false
$ipv6->getIpVersion(); //return '6'

$ipv4 = new Host('');
$ipv4->isIp();       //return true
$ipv4->isIpv4();     //return true
$ipv4->isIpv6();     //return false
$ipv4->isIpFuture(); //return false
$ipv4->getIpVersion(); //return '4'

$ipfuture = new Host('v32.');
$ipfuture->isIp();       //return true
$ipfuture->isIpv4();     //return false
$ipfuture->isIpv6();     //return false
$ipfuture->isIpFuture(); //return true
$ipfuture->getIpVersion(); //return '32'

$domain = new Host(''):
$domain->isIp();       //return false
$domain->isIpv4();     //return false
$domain->isIpv6();     //return false
$domain->isIpFuture(); //return false
$domain->getIpVersion(); //return null

Zone Identifier

Detecting the presence of the Zone Identifier

The object can also detect if the IPv6 has a zone identifier or not. This can be handy if you want to know if you need to remove it or not for security reason.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$ipv6 = new Host('[Fe80::4432:34d6:e6e6:b122%eth0-1]');
$ipv6->hasZoneIdentifier(); //return true

$ipv4 = new Host('');
$ipv4->hasZoneIdentifier(); //return false

Removing the Zone Identifier

According to RFC6874:

You must remove any ZoneID attached to an outgoing URI, as it has only local significance at the sending host.

To fullfill this requirement, the Host::withoutZoneIdentifier method is provided. The method takes not parameter and return a new host instance without its zone identifier. If the host has not zone identifier, the current instance is returned unchanged.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host    = new Host('[fe80::1%25eth0-1]');
$newHost = $host->withoutZoneIdentifier();
echo $newHost; //displays '[fe80::1]';

Getting the IP string representation

You can retrieve the IP string representation from the Host object using the getIp method. If the Host is not an IP null will be returned instead.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('[fe80::1%25eth0-1]');
$host->getIp(); //returns 'fe80::1%eth0-1'

$newHost = $host->withContent('');
$newHost->getIp();        //returns null
$newHost->getIpVersion(); //returns null

Host represented by a registered name

If you don’t have a IP then you are dealing with a registered name. A registered name can be a domain name subset if it follows RFC1123 but it is not a requirement as stated in RFC3986

(…) URI producers should use names that conform to the DNS syntax, even when use of DNS is not immediately apparent, and should limit these names to no more than 255 characters in length.

Host::isDomain is available since version 1.8.0.

public Host::isDomain(void): bool

To determine if a host is a domain name or a general registered name you just need to use the newly added method Host::isDomain


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$domain = new Host('');
$domain->isDomain();  //return true

$reg_name = new Host('');
$reg_name->isDomain();  //return false

Host represented by a domain name

Host::getRegisterableDomain and Host::withRegisterableDomain are deprecated and replaced by Host::getRegistrableDomain and Host::withRegistrableDomain starting with version 1.5.0.

If you don’t have an IP or a general registered name it means you are using a domain name. As such the following method can be used to further caracterize your host.

const Host::IS_RELATIVE = 0;
const Host::IS_ABSOLUTE = 1;
public static Host::createFromLabels(iterable $data, int $type = self::IS_RELATIVE): self
public Host::isAbsolute(void): bool
public Host::getLabels(void): array
public Host::getLabel(int $offset, $default = null): mixed
public Host::keys([string $label]): array
public Host::count(void): int
public Host::getIterator(void): ArrayIterator
public Host::withRootLabel(void): self
public Host::withoutRootLabel(void): self
public Host::prepend(string $host): self
public Host::append(string $host): self
public Host::replaceLabel(int $offset, string $host): self
public Host::withoutLabels(array $offsets): self
public Host::getPublicSuffix(void): string
public Host::isPublicSuffixValid(void): bool
public Host::getRegistrableDomain(void): string
public Host::getSubDomain(void): string
public Host::withRegistrableDomain(string $host): self
public Host::withSubDomain(string $host): self

Host public informations

Using data from the public suffix list every Host object can:

  • return the subdomain using the Host::getSubDomain method;
  • return the registrable domain using the Host::getRegistrableDomain method;
  • return the public suffix using the Host::getPublicSuffix method;
  • tell you if the found public suffix is valid using the Host::isPublicSuffixValid method;

use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
echo $host->getPublicSuffix();      //display ''
echo $host->getRegistrableDomain(); //display ''
echo $host->getSubDomain();         //display 'www'
$host->isPublicSuffixValid();       //return a boolean 'true' in this example

If the data is not found the methods listed above will all return an empty string except for the Host::isPublicSuffixValid method which will return false.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
echo $host->getPublicSuffix();      //return ''
echo $host->getRegistrableDomain(); //return ''
echo $host->getSubDomain();         //return ''
$host->isPublicSuffixValid();       //return false

Updating the Registrable domain part

You can update the registrable domain part of the host.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host    = new Host('');
$newHost = $host->withRegistrableDomain('');
echo $newHost; //displays ''

This method throws an League\Uri\Components\Exception if you submit a FQDN.

Update the Host subdomains

You can update the subdomain part of the host.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host    = new Host('');
$newHost = $host->withSubDomain('shop');
echo $newHost; //displays ''

This method throws an League\Uri\Components\Exception if you submit a FQDN.


A host is a collection of labels delimited by the host separator .. So it is possible to create a Host object using a collection of labels with the Host::createFromLabels method.

since version 1.7.0 you can inject a Rules object on instantiation. The parameter is optional

The method expects at most 3 arguments:

  • The first required argument must be a collection of label (an array or a Traversable object). The labels must be ordered hierarchically, this mean that the array should have the top-level domain in its first entry.

  • The second optional argument, a Host constant, tells whether this is an FQDN or not:

    • Host::IS_ABSOLUTE creates an a fully qualified domain name Host object;
    • Host::IS_RELATIVE creates an a partially qualified domain name Host object;

By default this optional argument equals to Host::IS_RELATIVE.

  • The third optional argument is a League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Rules object which will be used to resolved the host public suffix. If none is provided the Host will try to generate one using the defaut value from the Hostname Parser component.

Since an IP is not a hostname, the class will throw an League\Uri\Components\Exception if you try to create an fully qualified domain name with a valid IP address.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = Host::createFromLabels(['com', 'example', 'shop']);
echo $host; //display ''

$fqdn = Host::createFromLabels(['com', 'example', 'shop'], Host::IS_ABSOLUTE);
echo $fqdn; //display ''

$ip_host = Host::createFromLabels(['0.1', '127.0']);
echo $ip_host; //display ''

Host::createFromLabels(['0.1', '127.0'], Host::IS_ABSOLUTE);
//throws League\Uri\Components\Exception

Partial or fully qualified registered name

A host is considered absolute or as being a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) if it contains a root label, its string representation ends with a ., otherwise it is known as being a relative or a partially qualified domain name (PQDN).


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
$host->isIp();       //return false
$host->isAbsolute(); //return false

$fqdn = new Host('');
$fqdn->isIp();       //return false
$fqdn->isAbsolute(); //return true

$ip = new Host('[::1]');
$ip->isIp();       //return true
$ip->isAbsolute(); //return false

IP type host can not be FQDN

Updating the host status

To update the host state from FDQN to a PQDN and vice-versa you can use 2 methods

  • withRootLabel
  • withoutRootLabel

These methods which takes not argument add or remove the root empty label from the host as see below:


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
echo $host->withRootLabel() //display ''
echo $host->withoutRootLabel() //display ''

Trying to update the root label of an IP type host will trigger a League\Uri\Components\Exception


Whenever you create a new host your submitted data is normalized using non desctructive operations:

  • the host is lowercased;
  • the host is converted to its ascii representation;

use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = Host::createFromLabels(['com', 'ExAmPle', 'shop']);
echo $host; //display ''

$host = Host::createFromLabels(['be', 'bébé']);
echo $host; //display ''

Accessing the Host labels

Host iterable representation

A host can be splitted into its different labels. The class provides an array representation of a the host labels using the Host::getLabels method.

If the host is an IP, the array contains only one entry, the full IP.

The class uses a hierarchical representation of the Hostname. This mean that the host top-level domain is the array first item.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
$arr = $host->getLabels(); //return  ['com', 'example', 'secure'];

$fqdn = new Host('');
$arr = $fqdn->getLabels(); //return ['com', 'example', 'secure'];

$host = new Host('[::1]');
$arr = $host->getLabels(); //return ['::1'];

Once in array representation you can not distinguish a FQDN from a PQDN

The class also implements PHP’s Countable and IteratorAggregate interfaces. This means that you can count the number of labels and use the foreach construct to iterate over them.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
count($host); //return 3
foreach ($host as $offset => $label) {
    echo $labels; //will display "com", then "example" and last "secure"

The returned label is encoded following RFC3987.

Accessing Host label offset

If you are interested in getting the label offsets you can do so using the Host::keys method.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
$host->keys();        //return [0, 1, 2, 3];
$host->keys('uk');    //return [0, 3];
$host->keys('gweta'); //return [];

The method returns all the label keys, but if you supply an argument, only the keys whose label value equals the argument are returned.

The supplied argument is RFC3987 encoded to enable matching the corresponding keys.

Accessing Host label value

If you are only interested in a given label you can access it directly using the Host::getLabel method as show below:


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
$host->getLabel(0);         //return 'uk'
$host->getLabel(23);        //return null
$host->getLabel(23, 'now'); //return 'now'

Host::getLabel always returns the RFC3987 label representation.

If the offset does not exists it will return the value specified by the optional second argument or default to null.

Host::getLabel supports negative offsets


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host = new Host('');
$host->getLabel(-1);         //return 'uk'
$host->getLabel(-23);        //return null
$host->getLabel(-23, 'now'); //return 'now'

Manipulating the host labels

Appending labels

To append labels to the current host you need to use the Host::append method. This method accepts a single argument which represents the data to be appended. This data can be a string or null.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host    = new Host();
$newHost = $host->append('toto')->append('');
echo $newHost; //return

Prepending labels

To prepend labels to the current host you need to use the Host::prepend method. This method accept a single argument which represents the data to be prepended. This data can be a string or null.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host    = new Host();
$newHost = $host->prepend('')->prepend('toto');
echo $newHost; //return

Replacing labels

To replace a label you must use the Host::replaceLabel method with two arguments:

  • The label’s key to replace if it exists MUST BE an integer.
  • The data to replace the key with. This data must be a string or null.

use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host    = new Host('');
$newHost = $host->replaceLabel(2, 'bar.baz');
echo $newHost; //return

Just like the Host::getLabel this method supports negative offset.

if the specified offset does not exist, no modification is performed and the current object is returned.

Removing labels

To remove labels from the current object you can use the Host::withoutLabels method. This method expects a single argument and will returns a new Host object without the selected labels. The argument is an array containing a list of offsets to remove.


use League\Uri\Components\Host;

$host    = new Host('');
$newHost = $host->withoutLabels([1]);
$newHost->__toString(); //return

Just like the Host::getLabel this method supports negative offset.

if the specified offsets do not exist, no modification is performed and the current object is returned.

Modifying the Resolver object

At any given time you may change the League\Uri\PublicSuffix\Rules used to resolve the host public suffix using the following method


public function withResolver(Rules $resolver): self

The method retains the state of the current instance, and returns an instance that contains a different domain resolver, and automatically updates the host domain information.