Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Uri Components

Latest Version

This package contains classes to help parsing and modifying URI components.

  • Simple interface for building and parsing URI components;
  • Interact with implementing PSR-7 UriInterface objects;
use League\Uri\Components\Query;
use League\Uri\Uri;
use League\Uri\UriModifier;

$uri = Uri::createFromString('');
$newUri = UriModifier::appendQuery($uri, 'q=new.Value');
echo $newUri; // '';

$query = Query::createFromUri($newUri);
$query->get('q');    // returns 'value'
$query->getAll('q'); // returns ['value', 'new.Value']
$query->params('q'); // returns 'new.Value'

System Requirements

You need PHP >= 7.2 but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended

If you want to handle:

  • IDN host you are required to install the intl extension;
  • IPv4 host in octal or hexadecimal form, out of the box, you need at least one of the following extension:

    • install the GMP extension or
    • install the BCMath extension

    or you should be using

    • a 64-bits PHP version

Trying to process such hosts without meeting those minimal requirements will trigger a RuntimeException.

  • Data URI creation from a filepath, Since version 2.2.0, the fileinfo extension is required.


$ composer require league/uri-components


What you will be able to do