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URI modifiers


For instance here’s how you would update the query string from a given URI object:


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;

$uriString = "";
$queryToMerge = 'fo.o=bar&taz=';

$uri = new Uri($uriString);
parse_str($uri->getQuery(), $params);
parse_str($queryToMerge, $paramsToMerge);
$query = http_build_query(
    array_merge($params, $paramsToMerge),

$newUri = $uri->withQuery($query);
echo $newUri; // display

Using the provided League\Uri\UriModifier::mergeQuery modifier the code becomes


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use League\Uri\UriModifier;

$uriString = "";
$queryToMerge = 'fo.o=bar&taz=';

$uri = new Uri($uriString);
$newUri = UriModifier::mergeQuery($uri, $queryToMerge);

echo get_class($newUri); // returns \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri
echo $newUri; // display

In addition to merging the query to the URI, mergeQuery has:

  • enforced RFC3986 encoding through out the modifications;
  • not mangle your data during merging;
  • returned an URI object of the same class as the one it received;


An URI modifier is a method or a function which provides a convenient mechanism for filtering and manipulating an URI object. The only hard requirement is that the modifier MUST returns an URI instance of the same type that the one it received.


Under the hood the UriModifier class uses the URI components objects to apply changes to the submitted URI object.