Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

The Port component

The library provides a Port class to ease port manipulation.

Creating a new object

public Port::__construct(?int $content = null): void

If the submitted value is not valid a League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError exception is thrown.

Properties and methods

This URI component object exposes the package common API.

An additional toInt method returns the component value as an integer or null if the component is not defined.

public Port::toInt(): ?int



use League\Uri\Components\Port;

$port = new Port(443);
$port->getContent();           //returns (int) 443

echo $port;                    //displays '443'
echo $port->getUriComponent(); //displays ':443'
$port->toInt();                // returns 443

$new_port = $port->withContent(null);
$new_port->getContent();           //returns null
$new_port->toInt();                //returns null
echo $new_port;                    //displays ''
echo $new_port->getUriComponent(); //displays ''

The delimiter : is not part of the component value and must not be added.

If the submitted value is not valid a League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError exception is thrown.