Uri Interfaces

This package contains an interface to represents URI objects according to RFC 3986.

An Interface to model RFC3986 URI

The League\Uri\Contract\UriInterface interface models generic URIs as specified in RFC 3986. The interface provides methods for interacting with the various URI parts, which will obviate the need for repeated parsing of the URI. It also specifies:

  • a __toString() method for casting the modeled URI to its string representation.
  • a jsonSerialize() method to improve interoperability with WHATWG URL Living standard

Accessing URI properties

The UriInterface interface defines the following methods to access the URI string representation, its individual parts and components.

public UriInterface::getScheme(): ?string
public UriInterface::getUserInfo(): ?string
public UriInterface::getUsername(): ?string
public UriInterface::getPassword(): ?string
public UriInterface::getHost(): ?string
public UriInterface::getPort(): ?int
public UriInterface::getAuthority(): ?string
public UriInterface::getPath(): string
public UriInterface::getQuery(): ?string
public UriInterface::getFragment(): ?string
public UriInterface::getComponents(): array
public UriInterface::toString(): string
public UriInterface::__toString(): string
public UriInterface::jsonSerialize(): string

Modifying URI properties

The Uri interface defines the following modifying methods. these methods must be implemented such that they retain the internal state of the current instance and return an instance that contains the changed state.

Delimiter characters are not part of the URI component and must not be added to the modifying method submitted value. If present they will be treated as part of the URI component content.

These methods will trigger a League\Uri\Contract\UriException exception if the resulting URI is not valid. The validation is scheme dependent.

public UriInterface::withScheme(Stringable|string|null $scheme): self
public UriInterface::withUserInfo(Stringable|string|null $user [, Stringable|string|null $password = null]): self
public UriInterface::withHost(Stringable|string|null $host): self
public UriInterface::withPort(?int $port): self
public UriInterface::withPath(Stringable|string $path): self
public UriInterface::withQuery(Stringable|string|null $query): self
public UriInterface::withFragment(Stringable|string|null $fragment): self

Relation with PSR-7

This interface exposes the same methods as Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface. But, differs on the following keys:

  • This interface does not require the http and https schemes to be supported.
  • Setter and Getter component methods, except the path component, accept and can return the null value.
  • If no scheme is present, the requirement to fall back to http and https schemes specific validation rules is not enforced.

Interfaces to model RFC3986 URI components

The League\Uri\Contract\UriComponentInterface interface models generic URI components as specified in RFC 3986. The interface provides methods for interacting with an URI component, which will obviate the need for repeated parsing of the URI component. It also specifies a __toString() method for casting the modeled URI component to its string representation.

Accessing URI properties

The UriComponentInterface interface defines the following methods to access the URI component content.

public UriComponentInterface::value(): ?string
public UriComponentInterface::toString(): string
public UriComponentInterface::getUriComponent(): ?string
public UriComponentInterface::jsonSerialize(): ?string
public UriComponentInterface::__toString(): string

Specific URI component interfaces

Because each URI component has specific needs most have specialized interface which all extends the UriComponentInterface interface. The following interfaces also exist:

  • League\Uri\Contract\AuthorityInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\DataPathInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\DomainHostInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\FragmentInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\UserInfoInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\HostInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\IpHostInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\PathInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\PortInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\QueryInterface
  • League\Uri\Contract\SegmentedPathInterface