IPv4 Converter

The League\Uri\IPv4\Converter is a IPv4 Host Converter.


use League\Uri\IPv4\Converter;
use League\Uri\IPv4\NativeCalculator;

$host = '0300.0250.0000.0001';
$converter = new Converter(new NativeCalculator());
$convertedHost = $converter->toDecimal($host);

echo $convertedHost; // returns ''


The Converter::toDecimal method tries to convert a host into a valid IPv4 decimal dot-notation representation based on the algorithm used by the WHATWG rules. The method only parameter should represent a host value.

To work as intended the class requires a League\Uri\IPv4\Calculator implementing class responsible for making all the calculations needed to perform the conversion between IPv4 representations.

The package comes bundled with three implementations:

  • League\Uri\IPv4\GMPCalculator which relies on GMP extension;
  • League\Uri\IPv4\BCMathCalculator which relies on BCMath extension;
  • League\Uri\IPv4\NativeCalculator which relies on PHP build against the x.64 architecture;

For ease of usage the class exposes a fromEnvironment named constructor which will pick the correct implementation based on the available extensions.

If no calculator is provided a League\Uri\Exceptions\MissingFeature exception will be thrown. likewise, if no convertion is possible null is returned.

$converter = Converter::fromEnvironment();
$converter->toDecimal('0');       // returns
$converter->toDecimal('toto.be'); // returns null

The same functionality is provided to convert the IPv4 to Octal and Hexadecimal representation.

  • Converter::toOctal tries to convert the IPv4 to its octal dot notation or returns null
  • Converter::toHexadecimal tries to convert the IPv4 to its hexadecimal dot notation or returns null
$converter = Converter::fromEnvironment();
$converter->toDecimal('0xc0a821');         // returns ""
$converter->toOctal('0xc0a821');           // returns "0300.0250.0002.0001"
$converter->toHexadecimal(''); // returns "0xc0a821"

since version 7.5.0

The toDecimal method will also infer the IPv4 address out of an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address or from a 6to4 notation and two (2) new dedicated method allow to convert your IPv4 address into either its IPv4 mapped IPv6 address representation or its 6to4 notation.

$converter = Converter::fromEnvironment();
$converter->toDecimal('[2002:0000:0000::]') // returns
$converter->toIPv4MappedIPv6('0xc0a821');    // returns "[::ffff:]"
$converter->to6to4('0xc0a821');             // returns "[2002:00c0:a821::]"

since version 7.2.0

It is possible to determine if a given domain is or can be converted to an IPv4 host the new Converter::isIpv4 method. The method will return true if the submitted domain is an IPv4 host or is convertible to an IPv4 host.

$converter = Converter::fromEnvironment();
$converter->isIpv4('0xc0a821');     // return true
$converter->isIpv4(''); // return true
$converter->isIpv4('bébé.be');      // return false