IPv6 Converter
The League\Uri\IPv6\Converter
is a IPv6 Converter.
use League\Uri\IPv6\Converter;
echo Converter::expand('[::1]');
// returns '[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001]'
echo Converter::compress('[1050:0000:0000:0000:0005:0000:300c:326b]');
// returns [1050::5:0:300c:326b]
The Converter::compress
static method converts an expanded IPv6 host into its compressed form.
The method only parameter should represent a host value. The Converter::expand
does the opposite.
If you submit a host which is not an IPv6 one then, the submitted host value will be returned as is. Conversely, trying to expand an IPv6 host which is already expanded or trying to compress an already compressed IPv6 host will return the same value so nothing will be gain performing such obvious operation.
echo Converter::compress('[::1]');
// returns '[::1]'
echo Converter::expand('[1050:0000:0000:0000:0005:0000:300c:326b]');
// returns [1050:0000:0000:0000:0005:0000:300c:326b]
To complement the host related methods the class also provide stricter IPv6 compress and expand
methods using the Converter::compressIp
and Converter::expandId
methods. Those methods will
throw if the submitted value is not a valid IPv6 representation.
echo Converter::compressIp('');
//will throw a ValueError
echo Converter::expandIp('1050::5:0:300c:326b');
// returns 1050:0000:0000:0000:0005:0000:300c:326b