URI component encoder and decoder

In order to safely encode and/or decode a URI component, we need a tool to correctly perform the conversion. To do so the package provides an enhanced OOP wrapper around PHP’s rawurlencode and rawurldecode functions using the League\Uri\Encoder helper class.

The class provides encoding mechanism for the following URI components:


use League\Uri\Encoder;

$component = '/thi:s/is/a?simple=path';
$query = 'simple#=path&ké?=23';

echo Encoder::encodeUser($component);        // returns "%2Fthi%3As%2Fis%2Fa%3Fsimple=path"
echo Encoder::encodePassword($component);    // returns "%2Fthi:s%2Fis%2Fa%3Fsimple=path"
echo Encoder::encodePath($component);        // returns "/thi:s/is/a%3Fsimple=path"
echo Encoder::encodeQueryOrFragment($query); // returns "simple%23=path&k%C3%A9?=23"

The class also provides a more specific encodage used for query string key/value pair.

$queryKey = 'ké#';
$queryValue = '&foobar';

echo Encoder::encodeQueryKeyValue($queryKey);   // returns "k%C3%A9%23"
echo Encoder::encodeQueryKeyValue($queryValue); // returns "%26foobar"

Each static encoding method is component aware and will prevent encoding component special characters that must or must not be encoded in the context of a full URI.

To complete the encoding methods, the class also exposes static decoding methods to safely decode URI components:


use League\Uri\Encoder;

$component = '%2Fthi%3As%2Fis%2Fa%3Fsimple%23=%20path';

echo Encoder::decodeAll($component);                  // returns "/thi:s/is/a?simple#= path"
echo Encoder::decodePartial($component);              // returns "%2Fthi:s%2Fis%2Fa?simple#= path"
echo Encoder::decodeUnreservedCharacters($component); // returns "/thi:s/is/a?simple#=%20path"
echo Encoder::decodePath($component);                 // returns "%2Fthi:s%2Fis%2Fa%3Fsimple%23=%20path"
echo Encoder::decodeQuery($component);                // returns "/thi:s/is/a?simple%23=%20path"
echo Encoder::decodeFragment($component);             // returns "/thi:s/is/a?simple#=%20path"

Each static decoding method is component aware and will prevent decoding component specific characters in the context of a full URI.

The scheme and port do not requires a specific class to be correctly encoded. While host can be urlencoded and urldecoded, modern host encoding/decoding mechanism relies on a much more strict and documented process like the one use for instance wit the League\Uri\Idna\Converter class.

The Encoder::decodeAll and decodeEncoder::Partial may produce component representation that are not valid (containing white spaces or representing the null value) in the context of a full URI creation.