Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Host modifiers

The following modifiers update and normalize the URI host component according to RFC3986 or RFC3987.


Converts the host into its ascii representation according to RFC3986:


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use League\Uri\UriModifier;

$uri = new Uri("http://스타벅스코리아.com/to/the/sky/");
$newUri = UriModifier::hostToAscii($uri);

echo get_class($newUri); //display \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri
echo $newUri; //display ""

This method will have no effect on League URI objects as this conversion is done by default.


Converts the host into its idn representation according to RFC3986:


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\HostToUnicode;

$uriString = "";
$uri = new Uri($uriString);
$newUri = UriModifier::hostToUnicode($uri);

echo get_class($newUri); //display \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri
echo $newUri; //display "http://스타벅스코리아.com/to/the/sky/"

This method will have no effect on League URI objects because the object always transcode the host component into its RFC3986/ascii representation.


Removes the host zone identifier if present


use Zend\Diactoros\Uri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveZoneIdentifier;

$uri = new Uri('http://[fe80::1234%25eth0-1]/path/to/the/sky.php');
$newUri = UriModifier::removeZoneIdentifier($uri);
echo get_class($newUri); //display \Zend\Diactoros\Uri

echo $newUri; //display 'http://[fe80::1234]/path/to/the/sky.php'


Adds the root label if not present

$uri = Http::createFromString('');
$newUri = UriModifier::addRootLabel($uri);

echo $newUri; //display ''


Removes the root label if present

$uri = Http::createFromString('');
$newUri = UriModifier::removeRootLabel($uri);

echo $newUri; //display ''


Appends a host to the current URI host.

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$newUri = UriModifier::appendLabel($uri, 'fr');

echo $newUri; //display ""


Prepends a host to the current URI path.

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$newUri = UriModifier::prependLabel($uri, 'shop');

echo $newUri; //display ""


Replaces a label from the current URI host with a host.

Hosts are hierarchical components whose labels are indexed from right to left.

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$newUri = UriModifier::replaceLabel($uri, 2, '');

echo $newUri; //display""

This modifier supports negative offset

The previous example can be rewritten using negative offset:

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$newUri = UriModifier::replaceLabel($uri, -1, '');

echo $newUri; //display""


Removes selected labels from the current URI host. Labels are indicated using an array containing the labels offsets.

Hosts are hierarchical components whose labels are indexed from right to left.

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$newUri = UriModifier::removeLabels($uri, 2, 0);

echo $newUri; //display "http://localhost/path/the/sky/"

This modifier supports negative offset

The previous example can be rewritten using negative offset:

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$newUri = UriModifier::removeLabels($uri, -1, -3);

echo $newUri; //display "http://localhost/path/the/sky/"