The Hierarchical Path component

The HierarchicalPath class represents an ordered list of segmented path component. Apart from the package common API and the path common API, the class exposes specific properties and methods to work with segments-type URI path components.

If the modifications do not change the current object, it is returned as is, otherwise, a new modified object is returned.

When a modification fails a League\Uri\Contracts\UriException exception is thrown.

Manipulating the path as a filesystem path

The HierarchicalPath allows you to access and manipulate the path as if it was a filesystem path.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = HierarchicalPath::new('/path/to/the/sky.txt;foo=bar');
$path->getExtension(); //return 'txt'
$path->getBasename();  //return 'sky.txt'
$path->getDirname();   //return '/path/to/the'

echo $path->withDirname('/foo')->withExtension('csv'); // display /foo/sky.csv;foo=bar
echo $path->withBasename('paradise.html'); // display /path/to/the/paradise.html

getBasename and withBasename do not alter or return the path parameters (the part after and including the ;).

withExtension will throw an League\Uri\Components\Exception exception if the extension contains the path delimiter.

Manipulating the path as an ordered list of segments

A hierarchical path can be represented as an ordered list of segments.

A path ending with a slash will have an empty string as the last member of its array representation.

Instantiation using a collection of path segments.

A path is a ordered list of segment delimited by the path delimiter /. So it is possible to create a HierarchicalPath object using a collection of segments with two specific named constructors HierarchicalPath::fromRelative and HierarchicalPath::fromAbsolute, the methods expect variadic of string or stringable objects representing the path segments.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

echo HierarchicalPath::fromRelative('shop', 'example', 'com');     //display 'shop/example/com'
echo HierarchicalPath::fromRelative('shop', 'example', 'com', ''); //display 'shop/example/com/'
echo HierarchicalPath::fromAbsolute('shop', 'example', 'com');     //display '/shop/example/com'
echo HierarchicalPath::fromAbsolute('shop', 'example', 'com', ''); //display '/shop/example/com/'

The class implements PHP’s Countable and IteratorAggregate interfaces. This means that you can count the number of segments and use the foreach construct to iterate overs them.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = HierarchicalPath::fromUri('');
count($path); //return 4
foreach ($path as $offset => $segment) {
    //do something meaningful here

[...HierarchicalPath::new('/path/to/the/sky')];  //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky'];
[...HierarchicalPath::new('/path/to/the/sky/')]; //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky', ''];
[...HierarchicalPath::new('path/to/the/sky/')];  //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky', ''];

Accessing the path segments and keys

Since we are manipulating the path as an ordered list we can use known methods to acces the path segments and keys as with normal lists.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = HierarchicalPath::new('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->keys();          //return [0, 1, 2, 3];
$path->keys('sky');     //return [3];
$path->keys('gweta');   //return [];
$path->get(0);          //return 'path'
$path->get(23);         //return null
$path->get(-1);         //return 'sky'
$path->get(-23);        //return null
$path->get(-23, 'now'); //return 'now'

keys always decode the submitted value to process the segment data.

get always returns the decoded representation.

If the offset does not exist get will return null.

get supports negative offsets

Append and prepend segments

To append segments to the current object you need to use the HierarchicalPath::append method. This method accept a single argument which represents the data to be appended:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

HierarchicalPath::new()->append('path')->append('to/the/sky')->value();   //return path/to/the/sky
HierarchicalPath::new()->prepend('sky')->prepend('path/to/the')->value(); //return path/to/the/sky

Replace and Remove segments

To replace of remove segment you must specify the offset on which to act upon.

To replace a segment use the HierarchicalPath::withSegment and provide the offset of the segment to remove and the value used to replace it. Similarly, to remove segments from the current object and returns a new instance without, use the HierarchicalPath::withoutSegments method which expects a variadic argument which list the offset to remove.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

HierarchicalPath::new('/foo/example/com')->withSegment(0, 'bar/baz')->value(); //return /bar/baz/example/com
HierarchicalPath::fromAbsolute('path','to', 'the', 'sky')->withoutSegment(0, 1)->value(); //return '/the/sky'

Just like the HierarchicalPath::get this method supports negative offset.

if the specified offset does not exist, no modification is performed and the current object is returned.

Removing empty segments

Sometimes your path may contain multiple adjacent delimiters. Since removing them may result in a semantically different URI, this normalization can not be applied by default. To remove adjacent delimiters you can call the HierarchicalPath::withoutEmptySegments method which convert you path as described below:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath;

$path = HierarchicalPath::new("path////to/the/sky//");
$newPath = $path->withoutEmptySegments();
echo $path;    //displays 'path////to/the/sky//'
echo $newPath; //displays 'path/to/the/sky/'