The Scheme component

The Scheme class represents the URI scheme component and exposes the package common API.


use League\Uri\Components\Scheme;

$scheme = Scheme::new('FtP');
echo $scheme->value();           //display 'ftp'
echo $scheme->toString();        //display 'ftp'
echo $scheme;                    //display 'ftp'
echo $scheme->getUriComponent(); //display 'ftp:'

$new_scheme = Scheme::new();
echo $new_scheme->value();           //display null
echo $new_scheme->toString();        //display ''
echo $new_scheme;                    //display ''
echo $new_scheme->getUriComponent(); //display ''

$alt_scheme = Scheme::fromUri('');
echo $alt_scheme->value();           //display 'email'
echo $alt_scheme->toString();        //display 'email'
echo $alt_scheme;                    //display 'email'
echo $alt_scheme->getUriComponent(); //display 'email'

The object can not be modified, you are required to instantiate a new object.

The delimiter : is not part of the component value and must not be added.

If the submitted value is not valid a League\Uri\Exceptions\SyntaxError exception is thrown.

Starting with version 7.5.0 the scheme object give a bit more information around the selected scheme. It will let you know:

if you are using an HTTP protocol via its Scheme::isHttp method:

Scheme::new('FtP')->isHttp(); // return false
Scheme::new('HttPs')->isHttp(); // return true

if you are using a websocket scheme via its Scheme::isWebsocket method:

Scheme::new('ws')->isWebsocket(); // return true
Scheme::new('HttPs')->isWebsocket(); // return false

if you are using a SSL scheme via its Scheme::isSsl method:

Scheme::new('wss')->isSsl(); // return true
Scheme::new('Http')->isWebsocket(); // return false

if you are using a special scheme via its Scheme::isSpecial method:

Scheme::new('ldap')->isSpecial(); // return false
Scheme::new('file')->isSpecial(); // return true

the default port used by a special scheme via the Scheme::defaultPort method:

Scheme::new('https')->defaultPort(); // Port::new(443);
Scheme::new('file')->defaultPort(); // Port::new(null);

If the scheme is not special the method will return a Port object equivalent to the null port value.