URI modifiers

Sometimes you do not wish to change the full component of a URI, but you are interested in updating part of one of its component. In order to do so in PHP the code can quickly become a headache with a lot of edge case. For instance here’s how you would update the query string from a given URI object:


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;

$uriString = "http://www.example.com?fo.o=toto#~typo";
$queryToMerge = 'fo.o=bar&taz=';

$uri = new Uri($uriString);
parse_str($uri->getQuery(), $params);
parse_str($queryToMerge, $paramsToMerge);
$query = http_build_query(
    array_merge($params, $paramsToMerge),

$newUri = $uri->withQuery($query);
echo $newUri; // display http://www.example.com?fo_o=bar&taz=#~typo

In contrast, using the provided League\Uri\Modifier::mergeQuery modifier the code becomes


use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uriString = "http://www.example.com?fo.o=toto#~typo";
$queryToMerge = 'fo.o=bar&taz=';

echo Modifier::from($uriString)->mergeQuery($queryToMerge);
// display http://www.example.com?fo.o=bar&taz=#~typo

In addition to merging the query to the URI, mergeQuery has:

  • enforced RFC3986 encoding throughout the modifications;
  • not mangle your data during merging;
  • returned a valid URI object;

Because the Modifier is immutable and the modifying methods return a new instance of the class, out of the box, piping multiple methods to improve your code is supported.


use League\Uri\Modifier;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri as GuzzleUri;

$uri = Modifier::from(new GuzzleUri('http://bébé.be'))
echo $uri::class;   // returns GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri
echo $uri, PHP_EOL; // returns http://shop.bébé.be./toto?foo=toto&foo=tata

While the class does manipulate URI it does not implement any URI related interface.

If a PSR-7 or a League UriInterface implementing instance is given then the return value will also be a PSR-7 UriInterface implementing instance.

The getIdnUriString method is available since version 7.5.0.

The Modifier::getUri method returns either a PSR-7 or a League URI UriInterface, conversely, the Modifier::getUriString method returns the RFC3986 string representation for the URI and the Modifier::getIdnUriString method returns the RFC3986 string representation for the URI with a Internationalized Domain Name (IDNA) if applicable. Last but not least, the class implements the Stringable and the JsonSerializable interface to improve developer experience.

Under the hood the Modifier class intensively uses the URI components objects to apply changes to the submitted URI object.

The when method is available since version 7.6.0

To ease modifying URI since version 7.6.0, the when method is added and the modifier methods from the underlying URI object are now accessible via proxy.

use League\Uri\Modifier;

$foo = '';
echo Modifier::from('http://bébé.be')
        '' !== $foo, 
        fn (Modifier $uri) => $uri->withQuery('firstname=jane&lastname=Doe'),  //on true
        fn (Modifier $uri) => $uri->mergeQueryParameters(['firstname' => 'john', 'lastname' => 'Doe']), //on false
// returns 'http://shop.bébé.be./toto?firstname=john&lastname=Doe&foo=toto&foo=tata#chapter1';

Available methods

Query modifiers

The following modifiers update and normalize the URI query component.

Because each modification is done after parsing and building, the resulting query string may update the component character encoding. These changes are expected because of the rules governing parsing and building query string.


since version 7.1.0

Change the encoding of the query string. You can either specify one of PHP’s constant between PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 and PHP_QUERY_RFC3986

use League\Uri\Modifier;

echo Modifier::from("https://example.com/?kingkong=toto&foo=bar%20baz&kingkong=ape")
//display "kingkong=toto&kingkong=ape&foo=bar+baz"

or for more specific conversions you can provide a League\Uri\KeyValuePair\Converter class.

use League\Uri\KeyValuePair\Converter as KeyValuePairConverter;
use League\Uri\Modifier;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Uri;

$converter = KeyValuePairConverter::new(';')
        '%3F' => '?',
        '%2F' => '/',
        '%40' => '@',
        '%3A' => ':',
Modifier::from(new Uri('https://example.com?foo[2]=bar#fragment'))
//display "foo%5B2%5D=bar;url=https://example.com?foo%5B2%5D%3Dbar%23fragment"


Sorts the query according to its key values. The sorting rules are the same uses by WHATWG URLSearchParams::sort method.

use League\Uri\Modifier;

echo Modifier::from("http://example.com/?kingkong=toto&foo=bar%20baz&kingkong=ape")
//display "kingkong=toto&kingkong=ape&foo=bar%20baz"


Merges a submitted query string to the URI object to be modified. When merging two query strings with the same key value the submitted query string value takes precedence over the URI query string value.

$uri = Http::new("http://example.com/test.php?kingkong=toto&foo=bar+baz#doc3");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
//display "kingkong=godzilla&foo=bar%20baz&toto"


Appends a submitted query string to the URI object to be modified. When appending two query strings with the same key value the submitted query string value is added to the return query string without modifying the URI query string value.

echo Modifier::from($uri)
//display "kingkong=toto&kingkong=godzilla&foo=bar%20baz&toto"


Appends a query pairs to the URI object to be modified. When appending two query strings with the same key value the submitted query string value is added to the return query string without modifying the URI query string value.

echo Modifier::from($uri)
    ->appendQueryPairs([['kingkong', 'godzilla'], ['toto', null]])
//display "kingkong=toto&kingkong=godzilla&foo=bar%20baz&toto"


Appends a query PHP parameters to the URI object to be modified. When appending two query strings with the same key value the submitted query string value is added to the return query string without modifying the URI query string value.

echo Modifier::from($uri)
    ->appendQueryParameters(['kingkong' => 'godzilla', 'toto' => ''])
//display "kingkong=toto&kingkong=godzilla&foo=bar%20baz&toto="


Removes query pairs from the current URI query string by providing the pairs key.

$uri = "http://example.com/test.php?kingkong=toto&foo=bar+baz&bar=baz#doc3";
$modifier = Modifier::from($uri);
$newUri = $modifier->removeQueryPairs('foo', 'bar')->getUri();

echo $modifier->getUri()->getQuery(); //display "kingkong=toto&foo=bar+baz&bar=baz"
echo $newUri->getUri()->getQuery();   //display "kingkong=toto"


since version 7.2.0

Removes query params from the current URI query string by providing the param name. The removal preserves mangled key params.

$uri = "http://example.com/test.php?kingkong=toto&fo.o=bar&fo_o=bar";
$modifier = Modifier::from($uri);
$newUri = $modifier->removeQueryParameters('fo.o');

echo $modifier->getUri()->getQuery(); //display "kingkong=toto&fo.o=bar&fo_o=bar
echo $newUri->getUri()->getQuery();   //display "kingkong=toto&fo_o=bar"


since version 7.2.0

Removes query params numeric indices from the current URI query string. The removal preserves mangled key params.

$uri = "http://example.com/test.php?kingkong[1]=toto&fkingkong[2]=toto";
$modifier = Modifier::from($uri);
$newUri = $modifier->removeQueryParameterIndices();

echo $modifier->getUri()->getQuery(); //display "kingkong%5B1%5D=toto&fkingkong%5B2%5D=toto"
echo $newUri->getUri()->getQuery();   //display "kingkong%5B%5D=toto&fkingkong%5B%5D=toto"


since version 7.2.0

Merge PHP query parameters with the current URI query string by providing the parameters. The addition preserves mangled key params.

$uri = "http://example.com/test.php?kingkong=toto&fo.o=bar&fo_o=bar";
$newUri = Modifier::from($uri)->:mergeQueryParameters(['toto' => 'baz']);

echo $newUri->getUri()->getQuery(); //display "kingkong=tot&fo.o=bar&fo_o=bar&toto=baz"


since version 7.2.0

Merge query paurs with the current URI query string by providing the pairs.

$uri = "http://example.com/test.php?kingkong=toto&fo.o=bar&fo_o=bar";
$newUri = Modifier::from($uri)->:mergeQueryPairs([['fo.o', 'champion']]);

echo $newUri->getUri()->getQuery(); //display "kingkong=toto&fo.o=champion&fo_o=bar"

Host modifiers

The following modifiers update and normalize the URI host component according to RFC3986 or RFC3987.


Converts the host into its ascii representation according to RFC3986:


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = new Uri("http://스타벅스코리아.com/to/the/sky/");
$newUri = Modifier::from($uri)->hostToAscii()->getUri();

echo get_class($newUri); //display \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri
echo $newUri; //display "http://xn--oy2b35ckwhba574atvuzkc.com/to/the/sky/"

This method will have no effect on League URI objects as this conversion is done by default.


Converts the host into its idn representation according to RFC3986:


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\HostToUnicode;

$uriString = "http://xn--oy2b35ckwhba574atvuzkc.com/to/the/./sky/";
$uri = new Uri($uriString);
$newUri = Modifier::from($uri)->hostToUnicode();

echo get_class($newUri); //display \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri
echo $newUri; //display "http://스타벅스코리아.com/to/the/sky/"

This method will have no effect on League URI objects because the object always transcode the host component into its RFC3986/ascii representation.


Normalizes the URI host content to a IPv4 dot-decimal notation if possible otherwise returns the uri instance unchanged. See the IPv4 Converter documentation page for more information.


use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = 'http://0300.0250.0000.0001/path/to/the/sky.php';
echo Modifier::from($uri)->hostToDecimal()->getUri();
//display ''


Normalizes the URI host content to a IPv4 dot-octal notation if possible otherwise returns the uri instance unchanged. See the IPv4 Converter documentation page for more information.


use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = '';
echo Modifier::from($uri)->hostToOctal()->getUri();
//display 'http://0300.0250.0000.0001/path/to/the/sky.php'


Normalizes the URI host content to a IPv4 hexadecimal notation if possible otherwise returns the uri instance unchanged. See the IPv4 Converter documentation page for more information.


use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = 'http://192.168.257/path/to/the/sky.php';
echo Modifier::from($uri)->hostToOctal()->getUri();
//display 'http://0xc0a811/path/to/the/sky.php'


Normalizes the URI host content to a compressed IPv6 notation if possible. See the IPv6 Converter documentation page for more information.


use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = 'http://[1050:0000:0000:0000:0005:0000:300c:326b]/path/to/the/sky.php';
echo Modifier::from($uri)->hostToIpv6Compressed()->getUriString();
//display 'http://[1050::5:0:300c:326b]/path/to/the/sky.php'


Normalizes the URI host content to a expanded IPv6 notation if possible. See the IPv6 Converter documentation page for more information.


use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = 'http://[0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001]/path/to/the/sky.php';
echo Modifier::from($uri)->hostToIpv6Compressed()->getUriString();
//display 'http://[::1]/path/to/the/sky.php'


Removes the host zone identifier if present


use Zend\Diactoros\Uri;
use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = new Uri('http://[fe80::1234%25eth0-1]/path/to/the/sky.php');
$newUri = Modifier::from($uri)->removeZoneIdentifier()->getUri();
echo get_class($newUri); //display \Zend\Diactoros\Uri

echo $newUri; //display 'http://[fe80::1234]/path/to/the/sky.php'


Adds the root label if not present

use League\Uri\Modifier;

echo Modifier::from('http://example.com:83')->addRootLabel(); //display 'http://example.com.:83'


Removes the root label if present

use League\Uri\Modifier;

echo  Modifier::from('http://example.com.#yes')->removeRootLabel();  //display 'http://example.com#yes'


Appends a host to the current URI host.

use League\Uri\Modifier;

echo Modifier::from("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/")->appendLabel('fr'); 
//display "http://www.example.com.fr/path/to/the/sky/"


Prepends a host to the current URI path.

use League\Uri\Modifier;

echo Modifier::from("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/")->prependLabel('shop'); //display "http://shop.www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/and/above"


Replaces a label from the current URI host with a host.

Hosts are hierarchical components whose labels are indexed from right to left.

use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = "http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->replaceLabel(2, 'admin.shop');

This modifier supports negative offset

The previous example can be rewritten using negative offset:

use League\Uri\Modifier;

$uri = "http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->replaceLabel(-1, 'admin.shop');


Removes selected labels from the current URI host. Labels are indicated string variadic labels offsets.

Hosts are hierarchical components whose labels are indexed from right to left.

$uri = "http://www.localhost.com/path/to/the/sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->removeLabels(2, 0);
//display "http://localhost/path/the/sky/"

This modifier supports negative offset

The previous example can be rewritten using negative offset:

$uri = "http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/";
Modifier::from($uri)->removeLabels(-1, -3)->getUriString();
//return "http://localhost/path/the/sky/"


Slice the host from the current URI host. Negative offset are also supported.

Hosts are hierarchical components whose labels are indexed from right to left.

$uri = "http://www.localhost.com/path/to/the/sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->sliceLabels(1, 1)->getUriString();
//display "http://localhost/path/the/sky/"

This modifier supports negative offset

Path modifiers

Because each modification is done after parsing and building, the resulting path may update the component character encoding. These changes are expected because of the rules governing parsing and building path string.


Removes dot segments according to RFC3986:

$uri = "http://www.example.com/path/../to/the/./sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->removeDotSegments();
//display "http://www.example.com/to/the/sky/"


Removes adjacent separators with empty segment.

$uri = "http://www.example.com/path//to/the//sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->removeEmptySegments();
//display "http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/"


Removes the path trailing slash if present

$uri = Uri::new("http://www.example.com/path/?foo=bar");
echo Modifier::from($uri)->removeTrailingSlash();
//display "http://www.example.com/path?foo=bar"


Adds the path trailing slash if not present

$uri = "http://www.example.com/sky#top";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->addTrailingSlash();
//display "http://www.example.com/sky/#top"


Removes the path leading slash if present.

$uri = "/path/to/the/sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->removeLeadingSlash();
//display "path/to/the/sky"


Adds the path leading slash if not present.

echo Modifier::from("path/to/the/sky/")->addLeadingSlash();
//display "/path/to/the/sky"


Adds, updates and or removes the path dirname from the current URI path.

echo Modifier::from("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky")
    ->getPath(); //display "/road/to/sky"


Adds, updates and or removes the path basename from the current URI path.

$uri = Http::new("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
     //display "/path/to/the/paradise.xml"


Adds, updates and or removes the path extension from the current URI path.

$uri = Http::new("http://www.example.com/export.html");
echo Modifier::from($uri)->replaceExtension('csv')->getUri()->getPath();
//display "/export.csv"


Adds the basepath to the current URI path.

$uri = Http::new("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
//display "/the/real/path/to/the/sky"


Removes the basepath from the current URI path.

$uri = Http::new("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
//display "/sky"


Appends a path to the current URI path.

$uri = Http::new("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
 //display "/path/to/the/sky/and/above"


Prepends a path to the current URI path.

$uri = Http::new("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
 //display "/and/above/path/to/the/sky/"


Replaces a segment from the current URI path with a new path.

$uri = Http::new("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
    ->replaceSegment(3, "sea")
 //display "/path/to/the/sea/"

This modifier supports negative offset

The previous example can be rewritten using negative offset:

echo Modifier::from("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/")
    ->replaceSegment(-1, "sea")
//display "/path/to/the/sea/"


Removes selected segments from the current URI path by providing the segments offset.

echo Modifier::from("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/")
    ->removeSegments(1, 3)
//display "/path/the/"

This modifier supports negative offset

echo Modifier::from("http://www.example.com/path/to/the/sky/")
    ->removeSegments(-1, -2])
//display "/path/the/"


Slice the path from the current URI path. Negative offset are also supported.

$uri = "http://www.localhost.com/path/to/the/sky/";
echo Modifier::from($uri)->sliceSegments(2, 2)->getUriString();
//display "http://www.localhost.com/the/sky/"


Update Data URI parameters

$uri = Uri::new("data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Hello%20World!");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
//display "text/plain;charset=utf-8,Hello%20World!"


Converts a data URI path from text to its base64 encoded version

$uri = Uri::new("data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Hello%20World!");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
//display "text/plain;charset=US-ASCII;base64,SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh"


Converts a data URI path from text to its base64 encoded version

$uri = Uri::new("data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII;base64,SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh");
echo Modifier::from($uri)
//display "text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Hello%20World!"