Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

The Hierarchical Path component

The library provides a League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath class to ease complex path manipulation on a Hierarchical URI object like http scheme URI. The class extends the default Path object with methods dedicated to manipulate hierarchical paths.

Path creation

Using the default constructor

Just like any other component, a new League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath object can be instantiated using its default constructor.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$absolute_path = new Path('/hello/world');
echo $absolute_path; //display '/hello/world'

$relative_path = new Path('hello/world');
echo $relative_path; //display 'hello/world'

$end_slash = new Path('hello/world/');
echo $end_slash; //display 'hello/world/'

If the submitted value is not a valid path an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

Using a League Hierarchical Uri object


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http as HttpUri;

$uri  = HttpUri::createFromString('');
$path = $uri->path; // $path is a League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath object;

Using a named constructor

Since version 4.2 createFromSegments replaces createFromArray. createFromArray is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release

A path is a collection of segment delimited by the path delimiter /. So it is possible to create a HierarchicalPath object using a collection of segments with the HierarchicalPath::createFromSegments method.

The method expects at most 2 arguments:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$relative_path =  Path::createFromSegments(['shop', 'example', 'com']);
echo $relative_path; //display 'shop/example/com'

$absolute_path = Path::createFromSegments(['shop', 'example', 'com'], Path::IS_ABSOLUTE);
echo $absolute_path; //display '/shop/example/com'

$end_slash = Path::createFromSegments(['shop', 'example', 'com', ''], Path::IS_ABSOLUTE);
echo $end_slash; //display '/shop/example/com/'

To force the end slash when using the Path::createFromSegments method you need to add an empty string as the last member of the submitted array.

Path representations

String representation

Basic path representations is done using the following methods:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/windows/My Documents 100%20/foo.txt');
$path->getUriComponent(); //return '/windows/My%20Documents%20100%20/foo.txt'
$path->__toString();      //return '/windows/My%20Documents%20100%20/foo.txt'
$path->getContent();      //return '/windows/My%20Documents%20100%20/foo.txt'

getContent was added in version 4.2

Array representation

Since version 4.2 getSegments replaces toArray. toArray is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release

A path can be represented as an array of its internal segments. Through the use of the HierarchicalPath::getSegments method the class returns the object array representations.

A path ending with a slash will have an empty string as the last member of its array representation.

Once in array representation you can not distinguish a relative from a absolute path


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->getSegments(); //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky'];

$absolute_path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky/');
$absolute_path->getSegments(); //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky', ''];

$relative_path = new Path('path/to/the/sky/');
$relative_path->getSegments(); //return ['path', 'to', 'the', 'sky', ''];

Accessing Path content

Countable and IteratorAggregate

The class provides several methods to works with its segments. The class implements PHP’s Countable and IteratorAggregate interfaces. This means that you can count the number of segments and use the foreach construct to iterate overs them.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
count($path); //return 4
foreach ($path as $offset => $segment) {
    //do something meaningful here

Segment offsets

If you are interested in getting all the segments offsets you can do so using the HierarchicalPath::keys method like shown below:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->keys();        //return [0, 1, 2, 3];
$path->keys('sky');   //return [3];
$path->keys('gweta'); //return [];

The method returns an array containing all the segments offsets. If you supply an argument, only the offsets whose segment value equals the argument are returned.

To know If an offset exists before using it you can use the HierarchicalPath::hasKey method which returns true or false depending on the presence or absence of the submitted $offset in the current object.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->hasKey(2);  //return true
$path->hasKey(23); //return false

Segment content

If you are only interested in a given segment you can access it directly using the HierarchicalPath::getSegment method as show below:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->getSegment(0);         //return 'path'
$path->getSegment(23);        //return null
$path->getSegment(23, 'now'); //return 'now'

The method returns the value of a specific offset. If the offset does not exists it will return the value specified by the optional second argument or null.

The basename

To ease working with path you can get the trailing segment of a path by using the HierarchicalPath::getBasename method, this method takes no argument. If the segment ends with an extension, it will be included in the output.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->getBasename(); //return 'sky'

$alt_path = new Path('path/to/the/sky.html');
$alt_path->getBasename(); //return 'sky.html'

The basename extension

If you are only interested in getting the basename extension, you can directly call the HierarchicalPath::getExtension method. This method, which takes no argument, returns the trailing segment extension as a string if present or an empty string. The leading . delimiter is removed from the method output.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$path->getBasename(); //return ''

$path = new Path('/path/to/file.csv');
$path->getExtension(); //return 'csv';

The getExtension method takes into account path parameters:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky.txt;foo=bar,baz');
$path->getBasename();  //return 'sky.txt;foo=bar,baz'
$path->getExtension(); //return 'txt';

The dirname

Conversely, you can get the path dirname by using the HierarchicalPath::getDirname method, this method takes no argument and works like PHP’s dirname function.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky.txt');
$path->getExtension(); //return 'txt'
$path->getBasename();  //return 'sky.txt'
$path->getDirname();   //return '/path/to/the'

Path normalization

If the modifications do not change the current object, it is returned as is, otherwise, a new modified object is returned.

When a modification fails a InvalidArgumentException exception is thrown.

Out of the box, the HierarchicalPath object operates a number of non destructive normalizations. For instance, the path is correctly URI encoded against the RFC3986 rules.

Modifying Path

Path extension manipulation

You can easily change or remove the extension from the path basename using the HierarchicalPath::withExtension method.

No update will be made if the basename is empty

This method will throw an InvalidArgumentException exception if the extension contains the path delimiter.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path    = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$newPath = $path->withExtension('csv');
echo $newPath->getExtension(); //displays csv;
echo $path->getExtension();    //displays '';

This method is used by the URI modifier Extension

Append segments

To append segments to the current object you need to use the HierarchicalPath::append method. This method accept a single argument which represents the data to be appended. This data can be a string, an object which implements the __toString method or another HierarchicalPath object:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path    = new Path();
$newPath = $path->append(new Path('path'))->append('to/the/sky');
$newPath->__toString(); //return path/to/the/sky

This method is used by the URI modifier AppendSegment

Prepend segments

To prepend segments to the current path you need to use the HierarchicalPath::prepend method. This method accept a single argument which represents the data to be prepended. This data can be a string, an object which implements the __toString method or another HierarchicalPath object:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path    = new Path();
$newPath = $path->prepend(new Path('sky'))->prepend(new Path('path/to/the'));
$newPath->__toString(); //return path/to/the/sky

This method is used by the URI modifierPrependSegment

Replace segments

To replace a segment you must use the HierarchicalPath::replace method with the following arguments:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path    = new Path('/foo/example/com');
$newPath = $path->replace(0, new Path('bar/baz'));
$Path->__toString(); //return /bar/baz/example/com

if the specified offset does not exists, no modification is performed and the current object is returned.

This method is used by the URI modifierReplaceSegment

Remove segments

To remove segments from the current object and returns a new HierarchicalPath object without them you must use the HierarchicalPath::without method. This method expects a single argument. This argument is an array containing a list of parameter names to remove.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path = new Path('/path/to/the/sky');
$newPath = $path->without([0, 1]);
$newPath->__toString(); //return '/the/sky'

if the specified offset does not exists, no modification is performed and the current object is returned.

This method is used by the URI modifierRemoveSegments

Filter segments

You can filter the HierarchicalPath object using the HierarchicalPath::filter method. Filtering is done using the same arguments as PHP’s array_filter.

You can filter the path according to its segments values:


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path    = new Path('/foo/bar/yolo/');
$newPath = $path->filter(function ($value) {
    return ! empty($value);
echo $newPath; //displays '/foo/bar/yolo'

You can filter the path according to its segments key.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path    = new Path('/foo/bar/yolo/');
$newPath = $query->filter(function ($value) {
    return 1 != $value;
echo $newPath; //displays '/foo/yolo'

You can filter the path according to its segment value and key.


use League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath as Path;

$path    = new Path('/foo/bar/yolo/');
$newPath = $query->filter(function ($value, $key) {
    return 1 != $key && strpos($value, 'l') !== false;
echo $newPath; //displays '/yolo'

By specifying the second argument flag you can change how filtering is done:

By default, if no flag is specified the method will filter the query using the HierarchicalPath::FILTER_USE_VALUE flag.

If you are in PHP 5.6+ you can substitute these constants with PHP's array_filter flags constants ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY and ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH

This method is used by the URI modifier FilterSegments