Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Extracting data from URIs

Even thought the package comes bundle with a serie of URI objects representing usual URI, all theses objects expose the same methods.

Accessing URI parts and components as strings

You can access the URI string, its individual parts and components using their respective getter methods.


public Uri::__toString(): string
public Uri::getScheme(void): string
public Uri::getUserInfo(void): string
public Uri::getHost(void): string
public Uri::getPort(void): int|null
public Uri::getAuthority(void): string
public Uri::getPath(void): string
public Uri::getQuery(void): string
public Uri::getFragment(void): string

Which will lead to the following result for a simple URI:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http as HttpUri;

$uri = HttpUri::createFromString("");
echo $uri;                 //displays ""
echo $uri->getScheme();    //displays "http"
echo $uri->getUserInfo();  //displays "foo:bar"
echo $uri->getHost();      //displays ""
echo $uri->getPort();      //displays 81 as an integer
echo $uri->getAuthority(); //displays ""
echo $uri->getPath();      //displays "/how/are/you"
echo $uri->getQuery();     //displays "foo=baz"
echo $uri->getFragment();  //displays "title"

Accessing URI parts and components as objects

To access a specific URI part or component as an object you can use PHP’s magic method __get as follow.

The __get method is not part of any interface.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Ws as WsUri;

$uri = WsUri::createFromString("");
$uri->scheme;   //return a League\Uri\Components\Scheme object
$uri->userInfo; //return a League\Uri\Components\UserInfo object
$uri->host;     //return a League\Uri\Components\Host object
$uri->port;     //return a League\Uri\Components\Port object
$uri->path;     //return a League\Uri\Components\HierarchicalPath object
$uri->query;    //return a League\Uri\Components\Query object
$uri->fragment; //return a League\Uri\Components\Fragment object

Using this technique you can get even more informations regarding your URI.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http as HttpUri;

$uri = HttpUri::createFromString("");
$uri->host->isIp();           //return false the URI uses a registered hostname
$uri->userInfo->getUser();    //return "foo" the user login information
$uri->fragment->__toString(); //return '' because the fragment component is undefined
$uri->path->getBasename();    //return "you"
$uri->query->getValue("foo"); //return "baz"

The actual methods attach to each component depend on the underlying component object used. For instance a DataUri::path object does not expose the same methods as a Ws::path object would.

To get more informations about component properties refer to the components documentation

Getting URI object reference status

New in version 4.2



function League\Uri\uri_reference(mixed $uri [, mixed $base_uri]): array

This function analyzes the submitted URI object and returns an associative array containing information regarding the URI-reference.

As per RFC3986 URI-reference is used to denote the most common usage of a resource identifier. The specification defines 5 possible types of references for any given URI.


Returns Values

An associative array is returned. The following keys are always present within the array and their content is always a boolean:



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http as HttpUri;
$uri = HttpUri::createFromString("//스타벅스코리아.com/how/are/you?foo=baz");
$alt_uri = HttpUri::createFromString("//");

//displays something like
// array(5) {
//   'absolute_uri' => bool(false)
//   'network_path' => bool(true)
//   'absolute_path' => bool(false)
//   'relative_path' => bool(false)
//   'same_document' => bool(false)
// }

var_dump(League\Uri\uri_reference($uri, $alt_uri));
//displays something like
// array(5) {
//   'absolute_uri' => bool(false)
//   'network_path' => bool(true)
//   'absolute_path' => bool(false)
//   'relative_path' => bool(false)
//   'same_document' => bool(true)  //can be true only if a base URI is provided
// }

Debugging URI objects

New in version 4.2


All Uri objects from the package implements PHP5.6+ __debugInfo magic method in order to help developpers debug their code. The method is called by var_dump and returns an array with an uri key whose value is the object string representation.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http as HttpUri;

$uri = HttpUri::createFromString("");

//displays something like
// object(League\Uri\Schemes\Http)#11 (1) {
//     ["uri"]=> string(44) ""
// }


For the same purpose of debugging and object exportations PHP’s magic method __set_state is also supported


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http as HttpUri;

$uri = HttpUri::createFromString("");
$newUri = eval('return '.var_export($uri, true).';');

$uri->__toString() == $newUri->__toString();