Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

Host modifiers

Here’s the documentation for the included URI modifiers which are modifying the URI host component.

Transcoding the host to ascii

Transcodes the host into its ascii representation according to RFC3986:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\HostToAscii;

$uri = Http::createFromString("http://스타벅스코리아.com/to/the/sky/");
$modifier = new HostToAscii();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Transcoding the host to its IDN form

Transcodes the host into its idn representation according to RFC3986:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\HostToUnicode;

$uriString = "";
$uri = Http::createFromString($uriString);
$modifier = new HostToUnicode();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "http://스타벅스코리아.com/to/the/sky/"

Removing Zone Identifier

Removes the host zone identifier if present


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveZoneIdentifier;

$uriString = 'http://[fe80::1234%25eth0-1]/path/to/the/sky.php';
$uri = Http::createFromString($uriString);
$modifier = new RemoveZoneIdentifier();
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display 'http://[fe80::1234]/path/to/the/sky.php'

Appending labels



public AppendLabel::__construct(string $label)

Appends a label or a host to the current URI host.


$label must be a string



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\AppendLabel;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new AppendLabel("fr");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Prepending labels



public PrependLabel::__construct(string $label)

Prepends a label or a host to the current URI path.


$label must be a string



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\PrependLabel;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new PrependLabel("shop");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Replacing labels



public ReplaceLabel::__construct(int $offset, string $label)

Replaces a label from the current URI host with a new label or a host.


The host is considered as a hierarchical component, labels are indexed from right to left according to host RFC



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\ReplaceLabel;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new ReplaceLabel(2, "");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

Updating the modifier parameters

The withLabel and withOffset methods are deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release.

With the following URI modifiers:

You can update the label string using the withLabel method. This method expects a valid label/host and will return a new instance with the updated info.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\ReplaceLabel;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new ReplaceLabel(2, "");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withLabel('admin');
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

In case of the ReplaceLabel modifier, the offset can also be modified.


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\ReplaceLabel;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new ReplaceLabel(2, "");
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withLabel('thephpleague')->withOffset(1);
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""

Removing selected labels



public RemoveLabels::__construct(array $keys = [])

Removes selected labels from the current URI host. Labels are indicated using an array containing the labels offsets.

The host is considered as a hierarchical component, labels are indexed from right to left according to host RFC



use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveLabels;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveLabels([2]);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""

The withKeys method is deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release

You can update the offsets chosen by using the withKeys method


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\RemoveLabels;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new RemoveLabels([2]);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display ""
$altModifier = $modifier->withKeys([0,2]);
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display "http://example/path/to/the/sky/"

Filtering selected labels



public FilterLabels::__construct(callable $callable, int $flag = 0)

Filter the labels from the current URI host to keep.


For Backward compatibility with PHP5.5 which lacks these flags constant you can use the library constants instead:

League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection constantsPHP's 5.6+ constants

use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\FilterLabels;
use League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new FilterLabels(function ($value) {
    return $value > 0 && $value < 2;
}, Collection::FILTER_USE_KEY);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "http://example/path/to/the/sky/"


The withCallable and withFlag methods are deprecated since version 4.1 and will be removed in the next major release

You can update the URI modifier using:


use League\Uri\Schemes\Http;
use League\Uri\Modifiers\FilterLabels;
use League\Uri\Interfaces\Collection;

$uri = Http::createFromString("");
$modifier = new FilterLabels(function ($value) {
    return $value > 0 && $value < 2;
}, Collection::FILTER_USE_KEY);
$newUri = $modifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $newUri; //display "http://example/path/to/the/sky/"

$altModifier = $modifier->withCallable(function ($value) {
    return false !== strpos($value, 'm');
$altUri = $altModifier->__invoke($uri);
echo $altUri; //display ""