Please consider using the the latest stable version for any production code.

The Query component

The library provides a Query class to ease complex query manipulation.

Query creation

Using the default constructor


public function __contruct(string $query = null)

The constructor accepts:



use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=yolo&z=');
echo $query->getContent(); //display 'foo=bar&p=yolo&z'
echo $query; //display 'foo=bar&p=yolo&z'
echo $query->getUriComponent(); //display '?foo=bar&p=yolo&z'

When using the default constructor do not prepend your query delimiter to the string as it will be considered as part of the first parameter name.

If the submitted value is not a valid query an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

Using a League Uri object


use League\Uri\Ws as WsUri;

$uri = WsUri::createFromString('wss://');
$query = $uri->query; //$query is a League\Uri\Components\Query object;

Using a named constructor

Since version 4.2 createFromPairs replaces createFromArray. createFromArray is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release

Returns a new Query object from an array or a Traversable object.


public static function Query::createFromPairs(array $pairs): Query



use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query =  Query::createFromPairs([
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'p' => 'yolo',
    'z' => ''
echo $query; //display 'foo=bar&p=yolo&z='

$query =  Query::createFromPairs([
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'p' => null,
    'z' => ''
echo $query; //display 'foo=bar&p&z='

Properties and methods

The component representation, comparison and manipulation is done using the package UriPart and the Component interfaces methods.

Accessing query pairs

Since version 4.2 getPairs replaces toArray. toArray is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release


public function Query::getIterator(): ArrayIterator
public function Query::count(): int
public function Query::getPairs(): array
public function Query::keys(mixed $value = null): array
public function Query::hasKey(string $offset): bool
public function Query::getValue(string $offset, $default = null): mixed

Countable and IteratorAggregate

The class provides several methods to work with its parameters. The class implements PHP’s Countable and IteratorAggregate interfaces. This means that you can count the number of parameters and use the foreach construct to iterate over them.


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
count($query); //return 4
foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
    //do something meaningful here

When looping the returned data are decoded.


Since version 4.2 getPairs replaces toArray. toArray is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release

A query can be represented as an array of its internal key/value pairs. Through the use of the Query::getPairs method the class returns the object’s array representation. This method uses QueryParser::parse to create the array.


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
// returns [
//     'foo' => 'bar',
//     'p'   => 'y olo',
//     'z'   => '',
// ]

The returned array contains decoded data.

The array returned by getPairs differs from the one returned by parse_str as it preserves the query string values.


Returns the decoded query keys as shown below:


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
$query->keys();        //return ['foo', 'p', 'z'];
$query->keys('bar');   //return ['foo'];
$query->keys('gweta'); //return [];

By default, the method returns all the keys names, but if you supply a value, only the keys whose value equals the value are returned.


Tells whether the submitted key exists in the current Query object.


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
$query->hasKey('p');    //return true
$query->hasKey('john'); //return false


Returns the decoded query value of a specified pair key as shown below:


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
$query->getValue('foo');          //return 'bar'
$query->getValue('gweta');        //return null
$query->getValue('gweta', 'now'); //return 'now'

The method returns the value of a specific parameter name. If the offset does not exist it will return the value specified by the second argument which defaults to null.

Modifying a query

If the modifications do not change the current object, it is returned as is, otherwise, a new modified object is returned.

When a modification fails an InvalidArgumentException is thrown.


Returns a Query object with its pairs sorted according to its keys.


public function Query::ksort(mixed $sort): Query

The single argument sort can be:

One of PHP’s sorting constant used by the sort function. In this case the query parameters are sorted from low to high like PHP’s ksort function


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query    = new Query('foo=bar&baz=toto');
$newQuery = $query->ksort(SORT_STRING);
$newQuery->__toString(); //return baz=toto&foo=bar

A user-defined comparison function which must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second, like PHP’s uksort function


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query    = new Query('foo=bar&baz=toto');
$newQuery = $query->ksort('strcmp');
$newQuery->__toString(); //return baz=toto&foo=bar

This method is used by the URI modifier KsortQuery


Returns a new Query object with its data merged.


public function Query::merge(mixed $query): Query

This method expects a single argument which can be:

A string or a stringable object:


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query    = new Query('foo=bar&baz=toto');
$newQuery = $query->merge('foo=jane&r=stone');
$newQuery->__toString(); //return foo=jane&baz=toto&r=stone
// the 'foo' parameter was updated
// the 'r' parameter was added

Another Query object


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query    = Query::createFromPairs(['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'toto']);
$newQuery = $query->merge(new Query('foo=jane&r=stone'));
$newQuery->__toString(); //return foo=jane&baz=toto&r=stone
// the 'foo' parameter was updated
// the 'r' parameter was added

Values equal to null or the empty string are merge differently.


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query    = Query::createFromPairs(['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'toto']);
$newQuery = $query->merge('baz=&r');
$newQuery->__toString(); //return foo=bar&baz=&r
// the 'r' parameter was added without any value
// the 'baz' parameter was updated to an empty string and its = sign remains

This method is used by the URI modifier MergeQuery


Returns a new Query object with deleted pairs according to their keys.


public function Query::without(array $keys): Query

This method expects an array containing a list of keys to remove as its single argument.


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query    = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
$newQuery = $query->without(['foo', 'p']);
echo $newQuery; //displays 'z='

This method is used by the URI modifier RemoveQueryKeys


Returns a new Query object with filtered pairs.


public function Query::filter(callable $filter, $flag = Query::FILTER_USE_VALUE): Query

Filtering is done using the same arguments as PHP’s array_filter.

You can filter the query by the pairs values:


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
$filter = function ($value) {
    return !empty($value);

$newQuery = $query->filter($filter, Query::FILTER_USE_VALUE);
echo $newQuery; //displays 'foo=bar&p=y+olo'

You can filter the query by the pairs keys:


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('foo=bar&p=y+olo&z=');
$filter = function ($key) {
    return strpos($key, 'f');

$newQuery = $query->filter($filter, Query::FILTER_USE_KEY);
echo $newQuery; //displays 'foo=bar'

You can filter the query by pairs


use League\Uri\Components\Query;

$query = new Query('toto=foo&bar=foo&john=jane');
$filter = function ($value, $key) {
    return (strpos($value, 'o') !== false && strpos($key, 'o') !== false);

$newQuery = $query->filter($filter, Query::FILTER_USE_BOTH);
echo $newQuery; //displays 'toto=foo'

By specifying the second argument flag you can change how filtering is done:

By default, if no flag is specified the method will filter the query using the Query::FILTER_USE_VALUE flag.

If you are using PHP 5.6+ you can substitute these constants with PHP's array_filter flags constants ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY and ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH

This method is used by the URI modifier FilterQuery